Theme: Glossary
This is a glossary of theme terms for out-of-character reference. Spoilers are kept to a minimum, though there are a few utterly necessary for basic comprehension of theme concepts. Players are welcome to add terms from themes that they play! Terms listed as sourced by 'Battle Fantasia' are part of the game's original setting. All entries are subject to editorial oversight by the staff.
[hide]- 1 The Alone
- 2 The Apothecary
- 3 Apprivoise
- 4 Barrier (Guardian Princess Runealy version)
- 5 Belka
- 6 Bellum Schismatica
- 7 Blue Sky Kingdom
- 8 The Book of Darkness
- 9 Chara Change
- 10 Chara Transformation
- 11 Child
- 12 Clow Cards
- 13 Clow Reed
- 14 Cure Line
- 15 Cybody
- 16 The Dark Ages
- 17 Dark Realms
- 18 Dark Scent
- 19 Demon (Guardian Princess Runealy version)
- 20 Dimensional Space
- 21 District 1
- 22 Dream Mirror
- 23 Duelist
- 24 The Embryo
- 25 The Engaged
- 26 Fairy Realms
- 27 Fruitrassic Park
- 28 Ginzuishou
- 29 Gold Crown Town
- 30 Guardian Knight
- 31 Heart Flower
- 32 Heart Shard
- 33 HiME
- 34 Humpty Lock and Dumpty Key
- 35 Incubator
- 36 Jewel Seeds
- 37 The Long Dark Night
- 38 Lord Dune
- 39 Lost Logia
- 40 The Luxor Game
- 41 Magical Device (Midchildan and Belkan)
- 42 Manifestation Engine
- 43 Melody of Happiness/Melody of Sorrow
- 44 Mesozoic Maiden
- 45 Miasma
- 46 Midchilda
- 47 Negatone
- 48 Noise (Oto x Maho)
- 49 Origin Key
- 50 Orphan
- 51 Pactio
- 52 Pangaea
- 53 Perfume Kingdom
- 54 Perfume Warrior
- 55 Phantom Empire
- 56 Pillar
- 57 The Power of Dios
- 58 Precards
- 59 Pretty Cure/Precure
- 60 Precure Graveyard
- 61 The Prince and the Raven
- 62 Prism Flower
- 63 Prism Stones
- 64 Puella Magi
- 65 Pure Maiden Essence
- 66 Recognition Inhibition
- 67 The Rose Bride
- 68 Sailor Senshi
- 69 Sealing Maiden of Southern Cross Island
- 70 The Sea of Tears
- 72 Shimmer Mist
- 73 Shugo Chara
- 74 The Silver Millennium
- 75 Terrorsaurus
- 76 Time-Space Administration Bureau
- 77 The Three Wishes
- 78 Transformation
- 79 Tree of Hearts
- 80 The Ultimate Perfume
- 81 Waldia
- 82 Walpurgisnacht
- 83 Witch (Puella Magi version)
- 84 Wraith
- 85 Zero Time
The Alone
The Alone are mysterious and enormous monsters bent on the destruction of Infinity Institute's Manifestation Engine, and with it, the dreams of an Earth free from resource wars.
Theme Source: VividRed Operation
The Apothecary
A mysterious organization who seek to corrupt the memories of the innocent and create “The Ultimate Perfume.” They use Dark Scents as foot soldiers, as well as having dark Perfume Warriors in their ranks.
Theme Source: Perfume Splash!
To apprivoise with a Cybody is to wield it, but more than that, to connect with it, to become one with it on some level. Cybodies run on the power of passionate emotion, literally fueled by the strength of one's heart, so to apprivoise is to open's one heart. One either needs to have inherited a Star Mark connected to the Cybody in question, or have some artificial means of simulating the Mark, to apprivoise with it. It is also possible to approivoise without the Cybody, gaining a lesser measure of its strength.
Theme Source: Star Driver
Barrier (Guardian Princess Runealy version)
A magical forcefield on Waldia, sealing a demon horde within the abyss. Waldia's royal woman are heirs to the magic maintaining it, though several heroes from Earth were vital to its most recent restoration. While stable for now, it will eventually collapse if the royal line is ended. If a more precise term is needed, variations on 'Waldia's demon-sealing Barrier' suffice.
Theme Source: Guardian Princess Runealy
An ancient magical empire that conquered much of Dimensional Space in the chaos after the fall of the Silver Millennium. They eventually destroyed themselves so thoroughly that no one remembers how it happened, and use of their magical techniques is considered taboo in the Midchildan culture.
Theme Source: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Bellum Schismatica
The Bellum Schismatica, or Schism War, was fought in Dimensional Space in the 1990s. It started on the Wizarding world known as Mundus Magicus, but quickly spiraled out of control. In the end, after rooting out spies and traitors, a group of people dedicated to peace called Ala Rubra ended the war through a revelation of truth.
Theme Source: Mahou Sensei Negima!
Blue Sky Kingdom
The homeland of Cure Princess, The Blue Sky Kingdom was a beautiful and peaceful magical world until a good hearted princess opened the wrong box and unleashed The Phantom Empire. Now it is the base of operations for the Phantom Empire.
Theme Source: Happiness Charge Pretty Cure!
The Book of Darkness
A legendary Lost Logia that is said to appear every so often and cause damage of apocalyptic proportions. It is accompanied by the Cloud Knights, or Wolkenritter, which are its immortal guardians and enforces of its Master’s will. Most recently it appeared about ten years ago; the Time-Space Administration Bureau attempted to contain it, and called upon every favor they had to enlist the aid of Earth’s magical girls and magical community to do so. The Book murdered everyone, with only a scant handful of exceptions, and escaped; due to the enormity of their losses, the TSAB is widely distrusted by Earth’s defenders, many of whom feel that the organization lured them into a trap. The Book’s whereabouts are currently unknown, but suspected to be on Earth.
Theme Source: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Chara Change
A Shugo Chara, or Guardian Character fairy, can temporarily bring out the traits that they embody in their human creator, or Chara-bearer. This might allow a would-be professional athlete to jump extraordinarily high, or a shy girl that wants to be brave to speak her feelings freely -- whether she wants to or not.
Theme Source: Shugo Chara!
Chara Transformation
If a Shugo Chara fuses completely with their Chara-bearer's heart, they fully transform, complete with costume and sparkly explosion of light. While Chara Transformed, a Chara-bearer has access to a wide variety of magical powers. Chara Transformation often requires proximity, either physically or emotionally, to either or both of the Humpty Lock and the Dumpty Key.
Theme Source: Shugo Chara!
The Child of a HiME is her summoned battle companion, the most advanced form of highly-advanced materializing equipment. They fuse mechanical and spiritual pieces into a monstrous and extremely potent whole. Most are designed for front-line combat, but a few have more support-oriented abilities. Known only to the HiME (and some few scholars), if a Child is defeated, the HiME will lose what is most precious to them (universally assumed to be their own life).
Theme Source: Mai-HiME
Clow Cards
The Clow Cards were created by Clow Reed as a means of containing his own magic spells. They are sentient spells of varying intelligence and self-awareness. If not Sealed by a chosen individual with the Key of Sealing, they will activate and run rampant, often with little regard for human life. A Sealed Clow Card allows the user to access a magic spell.
Theme Source: Cardcaptor Sakura
Clow Reed
Perhaps the greatest wizard of Earth since the fall of the Silver Millennium. In a moment of terrible grief, Clow Reed accidentally shattered Serenity’s Seal protecting and isolating Earth from the rest of the magical worlds. He also created the Clow Cards, artifacts of marvelous power.
Theme Source: Cardcaptor Sakura
Cure Line
A special phone given by Blue to Precures and those who have agreed to assist them in the fight against the Phantom Empire. These can connect to anyone with a Cure Line from the newest rookie to Blue himself.
Theme Source: Happiness Charge Pretty Cure!
Ancient artifacts of terrible power, sealed away by their creators, the Entropeople, after a war that used Cybodies as weapons wiped out their civilization. They can be used by Star Drivers, people who successfully Apprivoise with them, but only within the sealed space of Zero Time.
Theme Source: Star Driver
The Dark Ages
The untold thousands of years between the fall of the Silver Millennium and the magical renaissance in the 1800s were defined by Serenity’s Three Wishes. Recognition Inhibition caused most of humanity to forget about the existence of magic, and so its practice became rare and hidden. The sealing of Earth from the rest of the magical realms protected it, but also isolated it, causing its development to proceed largely, though not entirely, untouched by the greater magical conflicts of the universe. There was still darkness to fight, and magical girls who rose to oppose it, but these conflicts were rare and relatively limited in scope. The Dark Ages ended when Clow Reed’s magical tantrum shattered Serenity’s Seal on Earth, allowing it to regain contact with the magical worlds, and the darkness therein, as well.
Theme Source: Battle Fantasia
Dark Realms
Light cannot exist without darkness, nor darkness without the light, or so some claim. Whether the Dark Realms are simply the Fairy Realms through a mirror darkly, or vice versa, is difficult to ascertain, but it's definitely true that some realms in either portion of the multiverse lack an obvious counterpart in the other. It is also true that the seemingly endless conflict between good and evil, hope and despair, darkness and light, doesn't seem to care much for the idea that there can never be an ultimate winner. Indeed, individual realms of darkness are often entirely focused on the goal of extinguishing the light of the universe forever.
Theme Source: Battle Fantasia (but most often Pretty Cure)
Dark Scent
A feral creature from the dimensional darkness between Earth and the Perfume Kingdom. Devours memories, and typically appears as a wispy snakelike creature - until it swallows memories, at which point its shape becomes something appropriate. When trounced, the memories return to the Dark Scent’s prey. And, of course, it smells awful.
See also: Dark Scent (Youma)
Theme Source: Perfume Splash!
Demon (Guardian Princess Runealy version)
A race of monstrous humanoids that nearly destroyed Waldia in ancient times, yet were sealed away by that world's first queen. Embodiments of evil, they delight in ruining lives. Many offer contracts granting dark powers in exchange for help destroying the royal family. The terms 'Waldian Demon' and 'Abyss Demon' may be used interchangeably for them.
See also: Demon (Monster of the Day entry)
Theme Source: Guardian Princess Runealy
Dimensional Space
Cephiro is in Dimensional Space, and so is Midchilda. When "Magic World" is used as a term, it is typically referring to a world in Dimensional Space. They tend to have lots of (less helpless than fairy) refugees fleeing dark forces, as well as magical princesses or other visitors coming to Earth to learn its ways (badly) and often prove themselves worthy of some sort of title back home. In general, magic worlds are highly dissimilar to Earth - either with staggeringly high magical or technological levels (preferably magical), or just a theme, like the entire dimension being made out of unmelting ice cream. The denizens of such realms are similarly thematic, or just having some particular quirk. Dimensional travel to Earth, while not as absurdly difficult it was until Clow Reed's magic rattled the very foundation of the worlds, is still quite tough, and requires some pretty impressive resources.
Theme Source: Battle Fantasia
District 1
A mysterious organization very interested in HiME, who arrange for their safe passage to Ohtori Academy. They cover up Orphan attacks, taking victims to private hospitals and, apparently, brainwashing them so that they'll forget the truth.
Theme Source: Mai-HiME
Dream Mirror
The Dream Mirror is the part of the soul which holds an individual’s dreams for the future. It can be extracted only through powerful dark magic. A broken Dream Mirror will result in a terrible, soulless existence at best.
Theme Source: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Bearer of a Rose Signet ring given to them in a monogrammed letter from Ends of the World, Duelists have the right to enter the hidden Dueling Arena above Ohtori Academy and fight for the power to grant world revolution. Those who receive these letters universally have something worth fighting for; something they would do anything for, even something very unwise.
Theme Source: Revolutionary Girl Utena
The Embryo
The Embryo is the perfect egg of a child's soul; said to be pure, sparkling white, it has the power to grant any wish. The Easter Corporation's schemes to extract Guardian Eggs from children (generally turning them into X Eggs in the process) are all in order to find the Embryo.
Theme Source: Shugo Chara!
The Engaged
The current champion of the Ohtori Academy Duels, who is engaged to the Rose Bride, and granted the power to bring world revolution.
Theme Source: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Fairy Realms
The Fairy Realms are alternate dimensions, often filled with magic. They’re as varied as the music-oriented Major Land or Märchenland, where all fairy tales are true. Surprisingly, considering their easily-underestimated cuteness, these realms also tend to have greater purposes of absolutely stunning, cosmic scope. Travel between Earth and Fairy Worlds requires a great deal of magic. Beings from fairy worlds will, in times of desperation, seek out humans on Earth to recruit as Precures or other magical warriors.
Theme Source: Pretty Cure
Fruitrassic Park
A highly unusual Fairy World populated by dinosaurs, all of whom happen to be made out of delicious, edible fruit. Though some fruitosaurs are friendly plant-eaters, predatory fruitosaurs will readily hunt humans, and their danger belies their comical appearance. The most notable trait of this world is also the reason the fruitosaurs are such a threat: Fruitrassic Park is a magical dead zone. Magical girl transformations cannot be performed here, nor sustained if already in place. For this reason, few magical girls have ever visited its sweltering biomes, but Fruitrassic Park occasionally disgorges fruitosaurs onto Earth, where they cause problems.
Notable inhabitants include the gentle Brontomelon, hook-thumbed Iguavadon, the sour and fan-backed Limetrodon, the cunning Grapetors who are always found in a bunch, tri-horned Appleceratops, flying Pineappledactyl, and the massive, invincible Bananasaurus Rex.
Theme Source: Battle Fantasia
Also known as the Silver Crystal of the Moon Kingdom. It was the royal treasure passed on through the queens of the Moon. After Queen Serenity used the last of its power to cast her Three Wishes, it vanished and has not been seen since. Some mages believe it to be a myth, but forces within Dark Fall know otherwise. The Ginzuishou is an item of incredible power, one that can even bring about true miracles -- but often at the cost of the user’s life.
Theme Source: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Gold Crown Town
A charming European town that is entirely quaint and ordinary. Its focus is Gold Crown Academy, the finest of fine art institutions, whose ballet program is the stuff of legends. The town's inhabitants are entirely unaware that the gate leads only to the Infinity Institute elevator; Infinity Institute students who take arts classes take them here, but find nothing abnormal about it. So, too, is the presence of anthropomorphic cat teachers, anteater students, and electric eel stage managers entirely unremarked upon.
Theme Source: Princess Tutu
Guardian Knight
An individual whose spark of latent magic is awakened upon taking an Oath to protect Waldia and its royal family. Today's Guardian Knights are the first to exist in centuries. Commoners may join despite the name, since the spark is not limited to one socio-economic class.
Theme Source: Guardian Princess Runealy
Heart Flower
Everyone has a Heart Flower inside of them, which represents their emotional well-being. Happy and healthy people's heart flowers bloom beautifully; those suffering from despair, and other problems, have their heart flowers wilt. If someone's heart flower wilts completely, usually by the impetus of being externally forced to do so by evil magic, they transform into a Desertrian, a monster that converts the owner's frustration and distress into power. If their Heart Flower is cleansed, they revert back to normal, and the Flower gives up a Heart Seed, which helps the Tree of Hearts bloom and prosper.
Theme Source: Heartcatch Pretty Cure
Heart Shard
There are an unknown number of Heart Shards, literally the shards of Mytho's heart, scattered around Gold Crown Town and perhaps Tokyo. Each embodies a fragment of his personality, an emotion, such as Love, Curiosity, Loneliness or Despair. They bond to people (and occasionally items) experiencing their emotion in question, inflaming the feeling to unhealthy, often dangerous levels. They can be drawn out and returned to Mytho's heart by Princess Tutu... or taken and used by others.
Theme Source: Princess Tutu
The existence of Highly-advanced Materializing Equipment is known only to a few. HiME Elements are fantastic weapons that range from flamethrowing magatama to enormous, impossibly sharp swords. HiME Children are marvelous creatures that seemingly and seamlessly meld high magitechnology and spiritual might. Both are summoned, or materialized, by the wielders who take their name: HiME are always young women, branded with a birthmark that only appears in times of stress or when warmed. It is said they draw their power from the HiME Star, a twinkling red light in the sky that only they, and others with their eyes open to the mystical, can see. It is whispered that they gather in the Land of Fuka for an event called the HiME Festival, which culminates in the granting of any one wish, no matter how impossible.
Theme Source: Mai-HiME
Humpty Lock and Dumpty Key
Legendary Shugo Chara Artifacts, the Humpty Lock and Dumpty Key grant great power to their wielder and those their wielder cares about, allowing them to Chara Transform. The Lock was left behind by the Founding King of the Guardians to be given to the one person with three Guardian Characters (Amu Hinamori). The Dumpty Key is currently in the possession of the Easter Corporation, who wants the Lock at any cost.
Theme Source: Shugo Chara!
Incubators are furry creatures who form contracts with girls in order to turn them into Puella Magi. They have been present on Earth during humanity’s entire history and may be active on other planets, though they do not seem to exist on Fairy Worlds or Dark Worlds. Known Incubators include Kyubey and Jubey, but more are implied to exist. Little is known about them otherwise.
Theme Source: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Jewel Seeds
Jewel Seeds are Lost Logia that essentially function as unreasonably large batteries of magical power. They are highly unstable, and tend to create terrifying magical phenomenon, if they don't explode with the force of a nuclear blast. With enough of them brought together, the universe itself could be put in jeopardy by what follows.
Theme Source: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
The Long Dark Night
September 6, 2013: In one night, the demonic army called Dark Fall swept into the heart of the magic worlds, the Fairy Realms, and dislodged their masters. They shattered souls, and remade worlds in their own dark image. Those few fairies who escaped have become refugees and fled to earth from help, typically from Pretty Cure.
Theme Source: Battle Fantasia
Lord Dune
The first full-scale invasion of Earth by Dark Fall happened in 1958; Lord Dune and his Desertrians turned much of the world and its emotional landscape into sand before they were driven back by Cure Flower and the combined efforts of the Magic Association and Tuner Organization. The Earth’s wounds were healed, but the implications of this godlike power, bent on conquest, were not forgotten.
Theme Source: Heartcatch Pretty Cure
Lost Logia
Magical items of tremendous power, these relics come from lost civilizations that destroyed themselves in their pursuit of that power, including Al-Hazard and Belka. The Time-Space Administration Bureau considers it their duty to gather and protect these artifacts, for they are too dangerous to be used without endangering entire worlds.
Theme Source: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
The Luxor Game
A pastime and method of divination, named for a settlement in the Sea of Tears. One plays it by assembling small and friable objects in a basin of some kind, then pouring in water from a great height. Best results are gained from flooding a city, but even on a smaller scale, you can learn something, or at least, have fun.
Theme Source: Sirens of Sorrow's Sea
Magical Device (Midchildan and Belkan)
Belka, and Midchilda after them, developed a style of harnessing magic that involves higher-order mathematics. To help them compute the parameters for their spells on the fly, they engineered companions who, in turn, developed a remarkable emotional spectrum. A Device typically looks like a necklace or other minor charm, but can transform into one or more combat modes, most typically a magical staff. Devices do not allow themselves to be wielded by anyone but those they deem worthy, and the relationship between a mage and their Device forms the foundation of that mage’s ability to harness their feelings, and the inner strength that comes from those emotions.
Theme Source: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Manifestation Engine
A miraculous magitechnological device invented by Professor Isshiki used to power the gigantic Infinity Institute skyscraper freely and without pollution. The Infinity installation is a pilot program by the Magic Association; if things work out well, they may begin solving Earth's energy problems with a wider release someday. Unfortunately, it seems to be regularly attracting monsters eager to see it destroyed.
Theme Source: VividRed Operation
Melody of Happiness/Melody of Sorrow
The Melody of Happiness is played once a year in the Fairy Realm of Major Land in order to bring peace and happiness to the universe. Minor Land wishes to transform it into the Melody of Sorrow, which, when played, will plunge everyone into despair. Right now, all of the notes of the Melody have been scattered across Earth; agents of Minor Land can turn them into Negatones, while the Precure of Major Land can rescue them by placing them in Fairy Tones.
Theme Source: Suite Pretty Cure o/`
Mesozoic Maiden
The magically-empowerred champion of Pangaea's Terra Tribe. Every generation, a young girl is chosen by the goddess Terra, and granted the ability to transform by the previous Mesozoic Maiden. Upon being chosen, a Mesozoic Maiden experiences a prophetic vision of a future disaster she must somehow prevent. After completing this task, called the Trial, the Maiden is officially granted leadership of her tribe, while the past Maidens step back to take the roles of protectors and advisors.
Theme Source: Crash! Mesozoic Maiden
A phenomenon where Grief, an energy formed of negative emotions, accumulates in a given location until it forms an unseen fog. In timelines where Witches exist, Miasma is a very rare phenomenon that tends to occur only in ill-populated areas, where a Witch could not sustain itself. In the current timeline, Miasma is an ubiquitous (yet largely unknown) part of life, and a light layer of Miasma will be present anywhere that people live. In densely populated areas or in times of trouble, however, Miasma may grow so dense that it begins to infect the minds of those in the community, causing misery, ruined lives, and even death. At such times, the Miasma will begin to produce Wraiths to protect itself. If those Wraiths are destroyed, the Miasma will lift, and the community will begin to heal.
Theme Source: Battle Fantasia (inspired by Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
A magical world in Dimensional Space that enjoys a very high standard of living via advanced technomagic. They were instrumental in the founding of the Time-Space Administration Bureau, and most of the TSAB remains Midchildan. There is a Midchildan exchange program in Infinity Institute, both to nurture the strained relationship between Midchilda and Earth (who blames the Time-Space Administration Bureau for the loss of so many of their best and brightest to the Book of Darkness) and to broaden the horizons of some of their young geniuses. Age, in Midchilda, is no barrier to authority; people are treated with the maturity they display.
Theme Source: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
A terrible monster formed by the merging of a Note of the Legendary Score, an ordinary object, and the corruptive force of an agent of Minor Land that transforms the Note into a Note of Sorrow. Negatones incorporate gigantic exoskeletons into their terrifying appearance, and have the ability to sing their portion of the Melody of Sorrow, bringing sadness to anyone who hears it. Upon their defeat, a Song Fairy can purify the Note of Sorrow back into a Note of Happiness.
Theme Source: Suite Pretty Cure o/`
Noise (Oto x Maho)
Monsters that arise from the ambient despair of humanity. The Tuners are magical girls who make a Contract with the World in order to bring Noise, and other monsters that bring discord, back into Tune.
Theme Source: Oto x Maho
Origin Key
The weapon of a Tuner, used to bring discordant Noise into Tune. A Tuner's Contract with the World creates their Origin Key, which is summoned by speaking their Meaningful Words. They are rarely used directly as weapons, but rather as implements to use magic, as to break one's Origin Key has disastrous consequences.
Theme Source: Oto x Maho
The native enemy of HiME, terrifying and usually disgusting monsters. They are attracted to Southern Cross Island in general and HiME in particular, but occasionally have stranger, if seemingly always lethal and dangerous, objectives.
Theme Source: Mai-HiME
A magical bond between a mage and their partner, which creates tremendous amounts of power from the strength of their feelings for each other. These feelings need not be romantic; legendary Pactio have been forged between friends and even rivals.
Theme Source: Mahou Sensei Negima!
A magical world similar in many ways to prehistoric Earth, its ecosystem a mishmash of various eras. Humans live there as part of nomadic tribes, and although they have yet to invent writing or a calendar system, they possess a primal, rudimentary form of magic. Travel to and from Pangaea is virtually impossible, with one notable exception, and records of its very existence are spotty at best.
Theme Source: Crash! Mesozoic Maiden
Perfume Kingdom
A magical realm where scents and memory were the most precious thing in life. A dark fate befell it, and many of its citizens must have perished - for they have reincarnated upon Earth, citizens, princesses, and members of the Apothecary alike.
Theme Source: Perfume Splash!
Perfume Warrior
A reincarnated citizen of the Perfume Kingdom. Typically, they discover their past origins when they smell a particular scent which awakens their old memories. They may procure that fragrance, then, to turn into their past selves, gaining magical powers to battle for (or against) the safety and peace of the world and all its many memories! (Fragrances on sale now at Bath and Bodyworks.)
Theme Source: Perfume Splash!
Phantom Empire
An evil empire bent on spreading Misfortune throughout the Earth. Their leader, Queen Mirage, wants nothing more then the complete and total destruction of love and happiness. Using a blend of the Towering Terribads and swarms of Kindabads, The Generals of the Phantom Empire will stop at nothing to bring an end to Love, Happiness and Good Fortune.
Theme Source: Happiness Charge Pretty Cure!
The Pillar is the figure who sustains the magical world of Cephiro. If anything happens to the Pillar, if they are endangered, or if they think of individuals instead of the whole of Cephiro, the land itself will start to crumble and monsters will infest Cephiro. The current Pillar, Princess Emeraude, has been kidnapped by Zagato; if she is not restored, the results will be catastrophic.
Theme Source: Magic Knight Rayearth
The Power of Dios
A term used primarily by the Rose Bride, thought by the Duelists to have something to do with the power of miracles that they fight for. Some Duelists have managed to use its power for more than simply summoning the eponymous Sword; Utena Tenjou is the most notable of these.
Theme Source: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Collectable Items that are given for defeating creatures of Darkness. They grant collectors a wide array of outfits which they can mix and match to wear as they see fit. If one collects enough of these cards, they can turn them in for one wish. That wish can be anything but be careful, An ill made wish can bring misfortune.
Theme Source: Happiness Charge Pretty Cure!
Pretty Cure/Precure
A Pretty Cure, or Precure, is a human girl who has been chosen by a fairy to fight evil and restore or protect their Fairy Realm. Precures transform using an item and fight with a combination of magical attacks and supernatural physical strength. They usually fight in teams or duos. Thus, for Precures, good harmony and teamwork are key to a successful battle.
Theme Source: Pretty Cure
Precure Graveyard
Phantom's personal playground, The Precure Graveyard is a dark place where precures defeated by the Precure Hunter are sealed in mirrors and left to suffer in misfortune.
Theme Source: Happiness Charge Pretty Cure!
The Prince and the Raven
A fairy tale written by Herr Drosselmeyer of Gold Crown Town. A few people know that Mytho is literally the Prince of the story, who shattered his heart, and lost his emotions, in order to contain the evil Raven and protect everyone. In the story, Princess Tutu is a minor figure who is fated to turn into a speck of light and vanish if she ever declares her love for the Prince. There is also a loyal Knight, who is fated to be struck down by the Raven.
Theme Source: Princess Tutu
Prism Flower
The Prism Flower serves as the link between all Fairy Worlds and our dimension. It is the keystone of the multiverse. It is mostly considered a theoretical or philosophical idea, but in actuality, does exist and could be threatened by dark forces, or misused by those with ill intentions.
Theme Source: Pretty Cure
Prism Stones
The seven legendary Prism Stones are the key to the Power of Light, normally manifest, contained and protected within the Fairy Realm known as the Garden of Light. The Power of Light is said to be the power of all creation, the spark of life in the universe. They are relentlessly sought by the Dark King and his minions.
Theme Source: Futari wa Pretty Cure
Puella Magi
A Puella Magi is a magical girl whose source of power is a contract with an Incubator. All are granted a wish upon contracting, with no guarantee of how the wish will play out. Puella Magi have a Soul Gem which is the mark of their contract and source of their magic. They must periodically replenish their magic by using Grief Seeds, “witches’ eggs” sometimes left behind after a Witch, the Puella Magi’s chosen enemy, is destroyed.
Theme Source: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Pure Maiden Essence
Pure Maiden Essence comes from the purest of hearts, whose bearers are known as “Pure Maidens” to the Apothecary. They are vital to the plans of that dark gang to produce the Ultimate Perfume. The Perfume Warriors fight to defend them as they are found, but pure hearts can appear in all kinds of places.
Theme Source: Perfume Splash!
Recognition Inhibition
In short, Recognition Inhibition is an effect that keeps magic hidden from the general public. Someone who isn’t deliberately involved with magical girls, monsters and other supernatural elements will see battles as special effects and stunt shows, forget about monster attacks the moment they recover, and otherwise excuse anything magical with a mundane explanation. Recognition Inhibition also keeps “secret identities” secret. It’s the reason why a magical girl can go unrecognized by her best friends and worst enemies in her civilian guise even if the only change in appearance is her outfit. A human who sees through Recognition Inhibition will usually end up coming into magical power themselves sooner or later.
Theme Source: Battle Fantasia
The Rose Bride
The Rose Bride is a figure somehow deeply connected to the Duels and the power of miracles that the Duelists seek. She claims to be engaged to the current victor, and will obey their every wish. The Sword of Dios is drawn from her chest.
Theme Source: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Sailor Senshi
A Sailor Senshi is a planetary guardian born with a Sailor Crystal in her soul. Every inhabited planet has a Sailor Senshi. Senshi are almost always female, though the Senshi of Earth, Tuxedo Kamen, is male. The Sailor Senshi residing in Tokyo are the reborn princesses of the fallen planetary kingdoms from the Silver Millennium.
Theme Source: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Sealing Maiden of Southern Cross Island
The Cybodies are kept sealed in Zero Time by the existence of the Maiden Cybodies, each of which has a human Sealing Maiden whose presence on Southern Cross is necessary to maintain the seal. Indeed, Sealing Maidens are mysteriously unable to leave the greater Tokyo area; if they try, fate conspires to have them fail. Finding the Maidens and destroying their Seals, so that the Cybodies can be freely used to take over the world, is the goal of the Order of Glittering Crux.
Theme Source: Star Driver
The Sea of Tears
A world where, it is said, all tears eventually go; a storm-lashed sea where strange people and creatures live in a melancholic society upon stony archipelagos. Government is semi-communal and monarchal, with a Queen chosen from contending "Sirens" by their patron and the true heart of the realm: the Mother of Sorrows. They have talking otters, at the very least.
Theme Source: Sirens of Sorrow's Sea
An amoral, ultra-powerful zaibatsu (megacorporation) headquartered in Tokyo. Secretly a major pillar of the power of the Ends of the World organization, SEARRS has often made itself an enemy of magical girls, most notably during its invasion of Ohtori Academy's campus. When not attempting to usher in a dystopian new Golden Age, SEARRS likes to give back to the community by funding a concert hall popular among musically-inclined Sister Schools students.
Theme Source: Mai-HiME
Shimmer Mist
A strange pink mist discovered by Sakura Akagi (alias; Japanese Cherry Blossom) in a strange dimensional ‘Sanctuary’ belonging to the Queen of the Perfume Kingdom, Beautiful Day. It seems to have a powerful effect on Dark Scents and the Powers of Darkness, and smells like a warm summer day, stirring memories of relaxation and calmness.
Theme Source: Perfume Splash!
Shugo Chara
All children hold an egg in their soul; the egg of the heart, which holds that child's dreams. Certain dreams held by certain willful children manifest that dream in the form of a Guardian Egg, which hatches into a small fairy known as a Guardian Character. Guardian Characters are more compactly referred to as Shugo Chara. By merging with their guardian fairies (complete with transformation sequence and costume change!), Shugo Chara-bearers access powers far beyond that of their normal selves -- that of the idealized selves they yearn to be. Shugo Chara are invisible to most people, even most other magical girls. Forcible extraction of the eggs in children's souls causes them to become X Eggs, which hatch into X Chara, embodiments of the fear of never being able to attain one's dream. If the egg is broken, the child's dream is lost forever, set aside for more practical concerns of growing up.
Theme Source: Shugo Chara!
The Silver Millennium
A forgotten period of ancient history (now considered myth by those who’ve heard of it) where magic was widespread throughout the human race, and humanity lived in kingdoms spread throughout the Solar System. The greatest of these was the Moon Kingdom, overseen by Queen Serenity with the power of her Ginzuishou. The Silver Millennium came to a violent end when a jealous Beryl unleashed Queen Metallia and a host of other devastating dark powers. In a last desperate move, Queen Serenity used the Ginzuishou’s power to make the Three Wishes and send the Sailor Senshi to reincarnate one day on Earth.
Theme Source: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Residents of Pangaea use this term as a catch-all to refer to any non-human creature (often a dinosaur) altered by evil magic. The Mesozoic Maiden currently residing on Earth has repurposed the word to refer to a more specific instance of such.
See also: Terrorsaurus (Youma)
Theme Source: Crash! Mesozoic Maiden
Time-Space Administration Bureau
A good-faith army founded by the magical world of Midchilda, but supported by several other magical worlds in Dimensional Space, meant to contain the relics of the Holy Belkan Empire and the demons spawned by it. Their ranks were decimated in the Book of Darkness Incident, and they are now spread so thin as to be a nonexistent presence in most of Dimensional Space. Earth is not part of their jurisdiction and does not recognize their authority, causing the already weakened TSAB to occasionally unofficially send an agent to collect a Lost Logia or apprehend a magical criminal, but otherwise have no part in local affairs.
Theme Source: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
The Three Wishes
The dying wishes of Queen Serenity of the Silver Millennium, who attempted to guarantee a happy future for her daughter and the world itself, are known as Serenity’s Final Decree. Just like the Silver Millennium itself, they are considered a myth by the modern magical community, a fable that tries to explain why the world is what it is. Two of the three wishes created Recognition Inhibition and Serenity’s Seal (now broken). The meaning of the third wish, “never again will hope shine alone,” is the subject of considerable philosophical debate.
Theme Source: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon/Battle Fantasia
Transformation, or henshin, is essentially a universal concept in the Battle Fantasia universe. Magical girls transform using pens, lockets, cell phones, gemstones and everything in between; this fundamental fulcrum of the soul leaves them in costume, but also able to withstand the rigors of supernatural combat. It can also alter the user’s hair color or even physical age. Recognition Inhibition is in play, and as a result, almost nobody will be able to recognize a transformed magical girl in her civilian form. Even basic mages, more in praise than in parody of the sublime lights of hope, transform, needing a moment to throw up a suite of defensive spells -- so why not shout a catchy incantation phrase?
Theme Source: Battle Fantasia
Tree of Hearts
The Tree of Hearts floats high above Earth, hidden in the clouds. It has a blossom for each and every person's heart, connected to that person's inner Heart Flower. When people are happy and emotionally healthy, the Tree blooms; when peoples' Heart Flowers wilt, the Tree wilts. Should the Tree be wilted completely, Earth would both literally and emotionally become a desert. This is the goal of Lord Dune and his Desert Apostles.
Theme Source: Heartcatch Pretty Cure
The Ultimate Perfume
The final goal of The Apothecary is to create ‘The Ultimate Perfume’ by distilling Pure Maiden Essence from ‘Pure Maidens’. It’s purpose is unknown but it certainly cannot be anything good.
Theme Source: Perfume Splash!
Both a world and its sole nation, with society and technology similar to feudal Europe. Named after the royal family who created a demon-sealing Barrier in ancient times. Has a recently unsealed portal to Tokyo (safe but prone to randomly shutting down for weeks or longer at a time) and connections to an abyss where a demon army has been imprisoned.
Theme Source: Guardian Princess Runealy
Interchangeably: the name of the most powerful Witch in existence, and the name given to the time of its coming. Walpurgisnacht takes the form of a gigantic, upside-down noblewoman, floating through the air and laughing madly, her clockwork body impervious even to the most powerful attacks. The apocalyptic battle against Walpurgisnacht cost many magical girls their lives, but ultimately led to the creation of a new timeline, where Witches no longer exist.
Theme Source: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Witch (Puella Magi version)
A Witch was a nightmarish monster which materializes in areas heavy with negative emotion. It hid itself in a surreal Barrier and enhanced negative emotions in its victims in order to feed off of them; victims rarely survived, taking their own lives in despair. Witches spawned lesser offshoots called Familiars which became Witches themselves if they managed to consume enough human victims. While anyone with the magic to enter a Barrier could fight a Witch, they were the common prey of Puella Magi, who required the Grief Seeds they drop.
In the new timeline, no Witch is ever (or was ever) created. Grief energies, lacking Witches to gather and condense them, now accumulate into an unseen Miasma, from which forms Wraiths. These successors to Witches are preferable in many ways, but still dangerous. The concept of Witches is now only a memory in the minds of a few (OOC note: the player characters) who still recall that past timeline.
Theme Source: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
When negative emotions accumulate, they form Miasma, an unseen fog of the energy(?) referred to as Grief. As Miasma grows more dense, dangerous Entities called Wraiths form. There are five types of Wraith, each associated with a category of negative emotion, such as Animus or Torpor. Miasma only seems to produce one Wraith type at a time, and spreads that type of emotion as well, particularly to those already vulnerable to it. Wraiths are invisible to normal humans, and do not attack them, though they can often be found eerily staring at, following, or even attaching themselves to innocent people. The actions of Wraiths can be important clues to the situation that led to the Miasma to begin with.
When a Wraith is attacked, all Wraiths nearby will become active, converging to destroy the threat. The Miasma will continuously produce more Wraiths until either the attacker is eliminated or the Miasma itself is expended. In this way, magical girls can drain Miasma, liberating a community from its negative effects. Each defeated Wraith leaves behind a Grief Cube, which serves as a tiny battery of Grief energy, sorely needed by Puella Magi.
Theme Source: Battle Fantasia (inspired by Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Zero Time
A pocket dimension with really trippy, cosmic, galactic imagery, all 22 Cybodies are sealed within, unable to interact with the real world. When a Star Driver apprivoises with a Cybody, they are drawn into Zero Time, along with anyone they're fighting. Normal people are frozen, and cannot sense the passage of time within the dimension -- thus the name.
Theme Source: Star Driver
For more information, please see: Theme, Theme Primer, Guide: Monsters Of The Day, Cast Pages