From Battle Fantasia MUSH

Illustration by permission of Arisa Chibara
Battle Fantasia has a variety of guidelines for play. Please read our policies before joining the game, and don't hesitate to ask the staff about anything confusing.
- Gender and Sexuality - Further discussion of both in magical girl and on BF.
- Race - Avoid stereotypes and self-educate thoroughly.
- Disability - Play a character, not a disability.
- Alts - If you're going to app Feature Characters, please actually play them.
- Inappable Characters - We do have a few restrictions on who can be played.
- Spoilers - Eight week cooldown, and don't be a jerk.
- Wiki Etiquette - Don't be a jerk on the wiki, either.
- Player Run Plots - Tell your tale on Battle Fantasia!
- Original Themes - How to add an original theme to our game.
- Theme Adaptation - How to integrate an existing magical girl theme into our game.
- Rating - Be tasteful.
- Death - If you want to use the revolving door, ask before you die.
- Application: Character Creation - The application form that must be filled out and submitted to obtain a character to play on Battle Fantasia.
- Application: Character Point Expenditures - How to gradually season a character's abilities.
- Application: Master Rank Advancement - How to dramatically increase a character's powers.