Battle Commands
The following commands are useful for managing combat in Battle Fantasia.
[hide]Basic Commands
- +transformations: Lists available henshin forms, preceded by their henshin number (or letter; B is for Base Form, Y is for Youma Form).
- +transform <henshin number>: Transforms a character into a given henshin form. +henshin # and +form # accomplish the same thing.
- +sheet: Displays a character’s stats, abilities, and current status effects. +sheet/henshin <henshin number> shows what they would be if transformed to a different henshin.
- +status: Displays a character’s current fatigue, mana, morale, reaction penalties, type/range of recent attacks reacted to (which is relevant to the usefulness of certain Abilities), status effects and (un)available Finishers.
- +attacks: Lists a character’s available attacks. +attacks/henshin <henshin number> shows what they would be if transformed to a different henshin.
- +attacks/sort <sorting type>: sorts attacks in +attacks and +attacks/henshin by name, tier, PL, type, range or mana cost.
- +show/sheet <target list>=<henshin number>: Displays a character's +sheet, as though they were currently transformed into their <henshin number> form, to <target list>.
- +show/attacks <target list>=<henshin number>: Displays a character's +attacks, as though they were currently transformed into their <henshin number> form, to <target list>.
- +heal/full: resets fatigue to 100, mana to 100, morale to 0 and reaction penalties to 0, clears all status effects and otherwise wipes the slate clean.
- +heal/boss <X>: As +heal/full, but sets fatigue, mana and morale to appropriately scaled numbers for a single combatant to challenge multiple opponents at an entertaining level of difficulty. Also, allows such an attacker to make up to X +attacks before their turn automatically ends, instead of the usual single attack.
- +heal/bossadjust <X>: Can be used mid-combat to adjust boss fatigue and mana levels, and maximum +attacks per round, without resetting everything, in the event that someone leaves or an extra opponent arrives.
- +heal X: sets fatigue to X, where X is less than your current fatigue. Cannot be used while KOed.
- +heal/save: Saves your current combat state for later. Automatically overwrites any previous saved state. Does not save incoming attacks, and therefore cannot be used until +queue is empty. Does not save BEAMWARs.
- +heal/load: Loads your saved combat state. Requires you to be in whatever transformation you were in back when you used +heal/save. Cannot be used until +queue is empty.
- +color <ansi color code>: Sets a character's name to display fabulously within the combat system as <ansi code>. For more information, please see 'help ANSI' on the MUSH.
- +color/view <target>: Displays target's saved +color ansi code.
Attacker Commands
- +attack <target(s)>=<attackname>: To attack more than one target (separated with spaces), an attack requires the Area flag, at which point it can target up to three. You must have the Mana required to pay for your attack, as listed in +attacks.
- +combo/start <target(s)>=<attackname>: Initiates a combo attack; other combo attackers then use:
- +combo/join <combostarter>=<attackname>. Once all combo attackers have joined the combo, the combostarter uses:
- +combo/finish
- +combo/cancel: May be used by any member of the combo to cancel the entire combo.
- +combo/name <comboname>: May be used by the combostarter to rename the entire combo to something suitably epic.
- +noko: Secretly guarantees that no target of your next attack will be KOed by it -- unless they +accept, or if they would suffer a morale KO. The first rule of +noko is to never talk about +noko. If you tell your opponent you're using it, you're using it incorrectly. Excessive use of +noko is heavily, heavily discouraged; this narrative tool only has value when used secretly and sparingly. +noko is an OOC decision to not KO someone; it has no IC meaning.
- +round: Ends an attacker’s turn, if they’re using fewer attacks than their regular 1 to (+heal/boss) X attacks.
Defender Commands
- +queue: Shows incoming attacks from any attackers, and basic information about each attack.
- +dodge <attacker>: Used by the defender to invoke the Dodge reaction against Attacker's incoming attack.
- +brace <attacker>: Used by the defender to invoke the Brace reaction against Attacker's incoming attack.
- +counter <attacker>=<counterattackname>: Used by the defender to invoke the Counter reaction against Attacker's incoming attack, using Counterattackname as a Counterattack.
- +accept <attacker>: Used by the Defender to invoke the Accept reaction against Attacker's incoming attack.
- +cover <ally>=<attacker>: Attempts to transfer Ally's incoming attack from Attacker to oneself.
- +cancel <defender>: Used by an attacker to cancel their attack on defender. If used for an area attack, please allow the attacker to cancel all defenders before proceeding.
Miscellaneous Commands
- +check <player> <player> vs. <player> <player> <player> (etc): Optionally used to quickly determine the outcome of a battle by comparing Fatigue and Mana values across both sides. Requires consent from all parties. A good way to settle a duel if both characters have used their Finishers without a definitive victor, a la samurai having flashed past each other with katana, yet they’re both still standing up; +check decides who topples over.
BEAMWAR Commands
Sailor Moon and Queen Metallia. Pretty Cure and Dark King. Nanoha Takamachi and Fate Testarossa.
There are almost as many examples of "beamwars" in the magical girl setting as there are entries to that genre. Someone launches an immense attack at someone else; they counter with their own attack; the two attacks meet in the middle, and the combatants strain in both directions, trying to overcome their enemy with the power of their love -- or hatred.
For the full discussion of BEAMWAR, please refer to its wiki page.
- +counter <incoming attack>=<counterattack> - Initiates (or joins, in the case of Area Finishers) a BEAMWAR, if it's Finisher vs. Finisher.
- +beamwar - Shows the details of your current BEAMWAR.
- +beamwar <target> - Shows the details of your target's current BEAMWAR.
- +beamwar/here - Shows a summary of all BEAMWARs at your current location.
- +beamwar/join <ally>=<attack> - Joins a BEAMWAR on <ally>'s side, with <attack>.
- +beamwar/bid <bid> - Bids must be a positive number of mana points equal to or less than your current mana, and no larger than the original cost of your individual BEAMWAR attack, multiplied by your boss rating (usually 1).
- +beamwar/remove <target> - Removes <target> from their BEAMWAR. Only for use in OOC emergencies (such as a person being disconnected and thus unable to bid); once removed, you are expected to leave the scene.
- +beamwar/team <ally> - Joins a team to a BEAMWAR on <ally>'s side, with an attack previously defined through the +combo commands. +beamwar/team replaces +combo/finish for functionality. Despite +beamwar/team targeting an ally, the combo itself should be initiated with +combo/start targeting an enemy.
Initiative Commands
The initiative system in Battle Fantasia is optional, unless Items are being contested using the combat system, in which case all characters involved in the item contestation need to use it. It orders characters by a combination of their Reflex and Composure; characters with higher Reflex are physically faster, while characters with higher Composure are more prepared to react quickly to the unexpected.
- +initiative/start: Defines an initiative order for everyone connected in the room.
- +initiative/join: Adds yourself to the initiative order.
- +initiative/leave: Removes yourself from the initiative order.
- +initiative: Displays the initiative order. Players who have used +observe will not be included in the order.
- +initiative/clear: Clears the initiative order in the room. Please try to remember to do this when a scene is over.
Item Commands
- +item/start <Item>: Used by the original holder of an item to allow for an item contest. For example, someone holding a Grief Seed who wants to allow it to be contested would type +item/start Grief Seed. Currently, you can only start one contest at a time, but multiple contests can be going on in the same room simultaneously if necessary.
- +item/join <Item Starter>: After an item contest has been started, anyone interested in contesting the possession of the item should use +item/join. You are not allowed to change your mind later on; either you're in or you're out at the beginning. If you join the scene late, or if something changes in character that would cause you to suddenly be interested in the item, you're welcome to RP accordingly, but you will not succeed at obtaining the item in this scene.
- +item/leave <Item Starter>: If your character is no longer contesting the item, please use +item/leave to take yourself out of the pose order. You may not use +item/leave if you're the current holder of the item. For game balance reasons, if out of character circumstances force you to have to miss part of the scene, you must use +item/leave to take yourself out of contention.
- +item/clear: Used by the original holder of the item to end the item contest.
- +item <Item Starter>: Displays the initiative order of everyone contesting the item, indicates the item's current holder, and if they're trying to escape, how many turns remain until they succeed. Everyone contesting the item needs to respect this pose order. Characters who aren't contesting the item do not need to strictly follow a pose order, but if they are involved at all in the csys with anyone in the item contest (attacking them, buffing them, cleansing them), they must only take one action per round of the item contest.
- +items: Displays the names of all item contests currently underway in the room, and indicates the items' current holders, and how many turns they have left to escape, if they're trying to.
- +item/transfer <Item Starter>=<Target>: Usable by anyone to transfer the item to a given target. There are three reasons to use this command:
- The current item holder has disconnected and doesn't seem to be coming back. At this point, ownership of the item is transfered to a character of the Item Starter's choice.
- You are the current item holder, and you are using your combat action to hand a contested item to someone else. Please remember to use +round afterwards.
- You are the current item holder, and have just been knocked out. If whoever knocked you out is part of the contest, transfer the item to them. Otherwise, you may transfer it to the character of your choice.
- +item/escape <Item Starter>: Usable by the item holder on their turn; uses their combat action to run away, and announces to the room how many more turns it will be until they have escaped with the item.
Free Attack Commands
The following commands are used to add and remove Free attacks from one’s currently equipped henshin form:
- +freeattack/set: allows a player to set a free attack on their current henshin, under certain limitations: only one flag allowed, only a limited selection of flags allowed, attack is made on a limited number of points as defined by their Master Rank and the Improvisationalist ability, if applicable.
- Syntax: +freeattack/set Name|Free|PL|Type|Range|Flag
- +freeattack/del: Allows players to delete Free-tier attacks off their current henshin.
- Syntax: +freeattack/del <attack name>
- +freeattack/wipe: Allows players to wipe all Free-tier attacks off their current henshin at once. Can only be used if no nearby players have an attack from the user in their queue (ergo, best used out of combat, or when it's not your turn).
- Syntax: +freeattack/wipe
Our own Kinzo Hiroyuki made a nice Free Attack Builder in Flash!
The Battle Fantasia Youma Repository System
The Battle Fantasia Youma Repository System is a set of commands to allow players and staff alike to define, edit, and transform into ‘youma’ -- in other words, NPC boss forms. It exists to promote free and easy GMing of spontaneous scenes. Use of the Youma Repository System to cheat in combat, by faking a player character's henshins, is abuse and will be treated accordingly.
- +youmas - Lists the available youma forms and their associated form numbers.
- +youma/create <youma name> - Initially creates a youma form and assigns it a form number.
- +youma/wipe <youma number> - Completely wipes a youma form from existance. Can only be used by staff, or on forms a player created themselves; players cannot wipe each others' forms.
- +youma/setsheet <youma number>/<field>=<entry> - Defines a field within a youma form. Valid fields include masterrank, mastertraits, rank (as in henshin rank), might, vitality, spirit, reflex, composure, henshinabilities and desc. Can only be used by staff, or on forms a player created themselves; players cannot edit each others' forms.
- +youma/setattack <youma number>=<attack entry> - Sets an attack on a youma form. Entry format is Attack Name|Tier|PL|Type|Range|Flag1|Flag2|Flag3... Can only be used by staff, or on forms a player created themselves; players cannot edit each others' forms.
- +youma/delattack <youma number>=<attack name> - Deletes an attack from a youma form. Can only be used by staff, or on forms a player created themselves; players cannot edit each others' forms.
- +youma/wipeattacks <youma number> - Deletes all attacks from a youma form. Can only be used by staff, or on forms a player created themselves; players cannot edit each others' forms.
- +youma/sheet <youma number> - Displays a youma form's +sheet.
- +youma/attacks <youma number> - Displays a youma form's +attacks.
- +youma/desc <youma number> - Displays a basic description of the youma in question.
- +youma/summon <youma number> - Summons a youma form's +sheet and +attacks to your henshin slot Y, which is listed like any other henshin in +transformations if filled; one can then subsequently transform into that youma form with +transform Y.
For more information, please see: Tutorials, Battle, Reactions, Free Attacks, Abilities