2014-07-04 - Part Of The Story

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Title: Part Of The Story

A nice lunchtime chat where both parties are holding back some of their full thoughts on situations.


Mai Tokiha, Runealy Waldia


Ohtori Courtyard

OOC - IC Date:

7 February 2014 - 7/4/2014

<Pose Tracker> Mai Tokiha [Ohtori Academy (10)] has posed.

Mercifully, a day's classes at Ohtori are interrupted by scheduled breaks every so often, and lunch is the longest and most cherished of those pauses. A chance to eat, socialize, or run off for a trip to a yacht-mounted sauna. There are options.

For Mai, the option of choice is to lay claim to one of the outside tables. It's a bit on the chilly side, though not freezing; most of the tables outside are therefore relatively quiet. There are rumors dancing around the classrooms, and she doesn't want any part of them; instead, she just has her homemade bento box in front of her, and her flip phone open, staring at the latest message in indecision.

Slowly, she begins to type a response.

<Pose Tracker> Runealy Waldia [Ohtori Academy (7)] has posed.

Rune has added a faded-red coat, made of old materials and old handmade fashions with gold embroidery, to her uniform in a nod to the weather. She's outside too, heading for the outdoor tables by herself with a small box in hand; food, most likely.

She stops several steps short of them though, due to spotting Mai. This doesn't seem to be a bad thing; Runealy doesn't show shock or disgust or worry, she just stands quietly and waits... watching. Mai seems to be busy at the moment, so she'll stick around until that changes.

<Pose Tracker> Mai Tokiha [Ohtori Academy (10)] has posed.

It's not a long message; it takes Mai only a moment to finish writing it. Whether to send is another decision entirely, and she starts to set the phone down to decide - and starts upon seeing Runealy, accidentally hitting the 'send' button. "Rune-chan! Sorry, I didn't see you there."

She looks back down at the phone, face screwed up in consternation - then finally sighs, flips the phone closed, and tucks it into a pocket of her orange jacket. "Were you just passing by, or are you aiming for a quiet lunch too?"

<Pose Tracker> Runealy Waldia [Ohtori Academy (7)] has posed.

"Hey!" Rune's mood brightens once Mai speaks, bringing her over to the same table. "Lunch, but I was hoping to find you too. Okay if I join you?"

<Pose Tracker> Mai Tokiha [Ohtori Academy (10)] has posed.

Hoping to find her? Mai hesitates only a moment before nodding. "Sure, I don't mind. I was just going to try making some progress on my literature homework, anyway." She lowers her scarf, to speak a bit more politely, and opens up her bento box.

Today's is fairly basic - rice, tomatoes, and some glazed stir-fry. A bit heavier on vegetables than meat, from the looks of things - and while neat, the presentation isn't as elegant as it sometimes is. She was in a bit of a rush this morning...

<Pose Tracker> Runealy Waldia [Ohtori Academy (7)] has posed.

"Thanks," Rune adds while pulling out a chair. Her own box turns out to be Midori-ya fare, again; apparently 'fresh' isn't too big a concern to the princess.

"It's just two things, really. Well, three. The biggest one was I wanted to check on you, make sure everything's okay after what happened at the World Tree?" There's an air of some concern here, but not panic.

<Pose Tracker> Mai Tokiha [Ohtori Academy (10)] has posed.

Mai gets out her chopsticks, claps once, and sets to...toying with one of the tomato pieces. "The World Tree? I'm fine - still not really clear on what we were fighting, or who we were protecting...but then again I still don't think I have the whole story on those star shards. Honestly, I'm just glad for the chance to work together to do something right." She smiles with cheer her body doesn't echo - from the look of her posture, she's worn out. Still, at least that's a genuine smile.

<Pose Tracker> Runealy Waldia [Ohtori Academy (7)] has posed.

"Me either," Rune admits. "I don't even have the slightest idea about any of it! That's the worst part about all this, but at least we stopped them. And you did some pretty good things, you know. Things you've been worried about." Her mood turns more serious now... patient, calm, but thoughtful. "Things you can probably feel a little better about, if you aren't already."

<Pose Tracker> Mai Tokiha [Ohtori Academy (10)] has posed.

Finally, Mai starts digging into the bento - carving out a piece of rice, first. "There's a few things I've been trying to figure out, recently. Nothing I can really ask friends for advice on, though."

"We live...on an island."

Abruptly, Mai flushes brightly, and visibly holds back a giggle. "...except when they point out something obvious. Sorry, just remembered something amusing. Anyway, how about you? I've kind of been falling out of contact again - work's been busy."

<Pose Tracker> Runealy Waldia [Ohtori Academy (7)] has posed.

"That's okay!" Even with a somewhat incorrect understanding of Mai's situation, Rune is very patient about things. "'Busy' is probably putting it mildly. I'm doing okay, and I won't stay on what happened at the Tree much longer... but I'll say this."

A pause, then a single sharp nod. "You were talking about being a good person or not, when we got into Mitakihara Hospital's in-door train that day. Protecting people you barely know, with a 'fire shield' like you did, is about as 'good person' as it gets!"

<Pose Tracker> Mai Tokiha [Ohtori Academy (10)] has posed.

The stir-fry was made with a kind of teriyaki-style sauce, but the recipe wasn't a great one - decent, but Mai's made better. She has a couple of pieces of pepper and onion while Runealy talks, finally setting down her chopsticks. "I couldn't exactly just step aside and let them do what they wanted, could I?"

Having a duty isn't the same as being good.

"Thanks, though - oh, and it's called an 'elevator', not a train." Mai grins, picking up her chopsticks again, and grabbing a tomato wedge. "Anyway, what were the other one or two things you wanted to bring up?"

<Pose Tracker> Runealy Waldia [Ohtori Academy (7)] has posed.

"Not really, no. None of us could. Still... someone noticed. I bet a lot of us did, and I'll bet I'm just saying what a lot of people are thinking:" Rune makes another, smaller nod as her smile briefly returns. "'Mai is pretty neat.'"

Then the princess turns embarrassed. "...Oh. Well, they're /like/ trains! They're both metal wagons you get in to, they close around you, and you go places really fast. But okay. 'Elevators', not 'in-door trains.'" Lesson learned!

"The last thing..." This topic makes it easy for Rune's nerve and embarrassment to fade, replaced by a modest cheer as she finally starts eating - a basic pastry from the box - and asks: "Do you know Nanoha? Nanoha Takamachi? From the Midori-ya?"

<Pose Tracker> Mai Tokiha [Ohtori Academy (10)] has posed.

That's something to make Mai's face burn bright red. "You don't have to go that far - I'd save the real praise to those who fought in the tree's branches without being able to fly. There's plenty more people to admire than me, you know." In an effort to settle her embarrassment, Mai focuses on eating for a bit - not even taking the chance for further teasing about the elevator business.

...well, maybe the teriyaki isn't too bad. Could use some more garlic, though. At a new topic and associated direct question, Mai looks up - face having cooled off, finally. "Takamachi Nanoha...doesn't ring a bell. I don't really go to that cafe often - I've heard the owners are nice, and I know the desserts are good, but I don't think I've ever met her. Why?"

<Pose Tracker> Runealy Waldia [Ohtori Academy (7)] has posed.

Rune lets the fight at the World Tree go without further comment, having a pretty good idea that any further praise would be talking in circles. Instead, she sticks with the other topic and takes on a wide smile while answering: "You're right. Their food is good, and they're really nice! 'Why', though? Because you ought to meet her! You'd probably like Nanoha. She's nice, smart, and has some of the same hobbies you do. Or things like them, anyway!"

<Pose Tracker> Mai Tokiha [Ohtori Academy (10)] has posed.

Ah, there is a little meat in there. Mai made sure that the lion's share went to Mikoto, though - favourite foods and all that. She pauses before taking another bite, considering the suggestion. "There's a few people I've been meaning to talk with, honestly - it's just a question of time. Between Orphan attacks, Takumi's medical appointments, and work - I don't want to lead on a potential friend and then not talk to them for months."

Abruptly, Mai flashes a grin. "Besides, it would never work - she being a daughter of the Midori-ya, myself being a waitress of Linden Baum. We might have to have a rivalry or something instead!" She sticks out her tongue to finish the joke, then works on her bento a bit more.

<Pose Tracker> Runealy Waldia [Ohtori Academy (7)] has posed.

Rune has a tiny laugh, going along with the humor before making a few headshakes and returning to her pastry; it buys her time to think for a few seconds. To think of what to say: "What if I told you she'd probably be one of the people most likely to understand if you got too busy for that long?"

<Pose Tracker> Mai Tokiha [Ohtori Academy (10)] has posed.

Mai pauses with a tomato wedge in her chopsticks' grasp. "Well, if she helps with the cafe, then I could buy that. Maybe we can trade horror stories - what year is she in?"

<Pose Tracker> Runealy Waldia [Ohtori Academy (7)] has posed.

Rune blinks a few times, actually surprised by the question despite how simple it is. "Um!" This turns to wide-eyed embarrassment as she realizes she doesn't know. Time to guess! "I think fourth? And it's not just the cafe... she mentioned liking doing some baking outside of Midori-ya, so maybe that's something you two have in common?" There's a bit of stammering in there now, suddenly unconfident in the suggestion after that gaffe.

<Pose Tracker> Mai Tokiha [Ohtori Academy (10)] has posed.

...elementary? Mai actually winces. "Well, that rules out some of the tales I could tell - at least, I hope it does. If you know when she's working at the cafe, I can try dropping by - and I suppose cooking is a universal language." She grins again, though it's a bit sheepish. "I wonder if she might be able to give me some tips - I tend towards lunches and suppers, and don't do a lot of baking..."

<Pose Tracker> Runealy Waldia [Ohtori Academy (7)] has posed.

"I wouldn't know." The wince drags Rune down further, she had a suspicion the whole thing came across as ridiculous. "I just stop by when I can, same as when I see you down at Linden Baum. Actually, sometimes I have better luck finding her anywhere but the Midori-ya. Still, she probably could help you with that. If you haven't seen her..."

...It occurs to the princess that Mai might not have any idea what this prospective new friend even looks like. "She has blue eyes, and kind of brown, kind of red hair that she usually keeps in short twin-tails with some ribbons."

<Pose Tracker> Mai Tokiha [Ohtori Academy (10)] has posed.

Mai nods at the description. "Well, we'll see what happens - maybe I'll just run into her between errands. Any other friends of yours you wanted me to meet?" Her grin intensifies. "Not necessarily just cooks - because we either get along well or start rivalries."

Twirling her chopsticks, she considers the rest of her lunch - she's eaten most of it, but after the previous night's conversation, she doesn't feel all that hungry. "...interested in trying a bit of stir-fry, or are you good with just the pastry?"

<Pose Tracker> Runealy Waldia [Ohtori Academy (7)] has posed.

"Other friends... huh." Rune eases up in light of that question, even as her head tilts down to think on this. Several ideas flash through the princess' mind, but she decides to turn playful and evasive about it. Dodging the question, but in an optimistic way: "Maybe one at a time? That way I can have a fun surprise handy if you ever need it. A way I can tell you that there's yet another nice person in Tokyo that you'd like... but you just haven't met them yet!"

The stir-fry offer is met with only the slightest hesitation, but plenty of enthusiasm. "If you're really sure?" She looks ready to give it a try if Mai indicates it's okay. "Is it something you made?"

<Pose Tracker> Mai Tokiha [Ohtori Academy (10)] has posed.

Mai laughs. "It's fine, it's fine. And it's a new recipe I gave a try - I think it needs more garlic next time, though." Snagging one of the napkins that came with Runealy's meal, Mai deposits a few pieces of sauced vegetables and a lump of rice on it, then slides it over. "I packed more than I could finish, anyway. And - sure, just keep in mind that my schedule makes keeping friends kind of difficult."

Mai's smiling, but slumping back into her seat. Speaking of that schedule...blast, her pocket calendar is back in the classroom. Did she have a shift tonight, or not?

<Pose Tracker> Runealy Waldia [Ohtori Academy (7)] has posed.

"Friends understand that kind of thing, don't they?" Rune asks a rhetorical question while reaching over to try Mai's offer. As before, there are a few seconds where she's visibly thinking on how this tastes... and the verdict comes: "You may be right, but it's not bad. Thanks!" She'll finish up what has been provided.

"So long as they know what's going on, friends aren't..." How to put this? A flash of insight comes while thinking on friends, as a certain gardener comes to mind. "They're not like plants. You don't /have/ to give them water - or attention - every few days. If a friend has to wait, they'll wait. You're worth it, after all. Just so long as they know you haven't forgotten... a friend understands."