2022-11-01 - Secret Meeting of Cats
Secret Meeting of Cats | ||
Summary: Shiori has some bad news and some worse news to deliver to Tama. | ||
Who: Tama (played by Yumi Ohzora), Shiori (played by Raiko Takashima) | ||
Where: Tama River | ||
OOC - IC Date: November 01, 2022 - Saturday, January 23, 2016 | ||
*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Tama River +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* At the head of this river, deep in the Tama region, a dam forms Lake Okutama. Gazing upon its calm waters, it is difficult to imagine that beneath the dam, a great river erupts. In days past, the Tama River ran rampant, flooding frequently, often so intensely as to wash away towns or permanently alter its course. Today, the dam and an expensive series of levees have tamed this serpent of water, and its floods, while frequent, cause no significant damage. The new Tama River is a beloved location for leisure and recreation. Kayaking along its rapids, rock climbing and bouldering in nearby parks, picnicking alongside its slower sections; Tama is a long river, and has something for everyone. A great number of sports fields have sprung up on its banks, for children and adults alike, and it's not uncommon for the Tama River to host school games. Neighboring areas flock to the riverside at festival-time, erecting food stalls and fair games. The mouth of the river empties into Tokyo Bay in the Yamanote region of the city, right next to Haneda Airport.
<Pose Tracker> Yumi Ohzora [Infinity Institute (11)] has posed.
Tama is not a hard cat to reach... if you know her haunts. She makes a point of visiting some of the same places each day, to check on messages and consult her informants. Of course she has informants. Some of them are even human.
But just now she's finished doing that for this location, and is up on a shed's rooftop, overlooking the river. There is a fisherman seated not that far from her, on a small dock, and he is doing fairly well. She may go bother him.
For now, this very particular black cat is watching the sky. She has sensed something amiss...
<Pose Tracker> Raiko Takashima [Infinity Institute (9)] has posed.
There have been many, many things amiss as of late. And today Shiori feels as if she is stuck in the middle of a converging storm of calamity.
Or she's just really dreading having to fill Tama in on everything.
Once she finished doing her best to assuage Raiko's fears, made another attempt or two at convincing her to accept her destiny, there was really nothing left but to find Tama. The first couple of attempts she was just barely too late, but finally, here, she's caught up.
Shiori's arrival likely isn't a secret. The tabby calico makes her way along the river, then diverts away from it to get to the shed, making two quick hops up to a crate and then the roof of the shed.
Her expression is grim. "We have a problem." After a beat, she clarifies. "We have a new problem." She can't quite bring herself to look at Tama directly as she says this.
<Pose Tracker> Yumi Ohzora [Infinity Institute (11)] has posed.
It's fair to dread telling Tama things. She can be... severe. But it never pays to hold back; she tends to know a lot of things almost before they happen... or at least, at the same time. Particularly to do with the Lost Staves.
Hop, hop, hop!
The fisherman pays the cat no mind. They are stealthy, in that way. And Tama rises from where she'd been curled to look over Shiori. Her tail flicks almost idly.
"You're not about to tell me you've found him, then." Tailflick. "Go on."
<Pose Tracker> Raiko Takashima [Infinity Institute (9)] has posed.
Tama can be severe and... well, Shiori is self-conscious. She's doing her best, but she knows she's the youngest familiar out of the bunch, and, well... She does have some pretty bad news.
Shiori shakes her head as Tama deduces one not-that-mysterious thing to know. "No. Kenji is still missing, unfortunately."
There is a long pause as Shiori tries, vainly, to figure out how to word this in a way that isn't quite so bad... and decides to just go for broke. She hangs her head a little, tail curling around her feet. "Raiko knows about the Staff of Wise Levin. She cut school, came into the study while I was checking on it, and the staff reacted to her presence."
And then she turns her gaze a little, away from the elder feline. There's clearly more.
<Pose Tracker> Yumi Ohzora [Infinity Institute (11)] has posed.
"I thought so," Tama says, though the weight of her frown is not primarily based on Shiori. She is worried for Kenji; he has been a good ally to them, and involved in dangerous, dangerous work. But Shiori has other news. And in the end, she makes what is probably the right call: she just goes for it.
'Cutting school' would be notable enough. "So that's what that surge of power was..." She is attuned to such things, as the eldest.
Tama looks to Shiori. "Well, that is as it is. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I was simply expecting later."
"...Do you think she's ready?"
There is a reason Tama has been thinking of this lately, too...
<Pose Tracker> Raiko Takashima [Infinity Institute (9)] has posed.
Shiori nods her head. "Yes," she says, agreeing that the staff was the surge of power Tama felt. "... Unfortuantely, the wards in Kenji's study are destroyed. I'm holding onto the staff, for the moment." She doesn't look too bad off, but... it's only been a matter of hours.
She's done far, far longer, though it's been... quite a while since that was a necessity.
When Tama asks that question, however... it takes Shiori a moment to decide how to respond. Finally, she says... "I think she is more than capable. The problem is... she doesn't." Shiori's head droops a little more as she stares at the roof of the shack. "I tried to explain it to her, but... she won't make the contract. She's afraid of messing up... and of what befell her grandfather happening to her, as well."
<Pose Tracker> Yumi Ohzora [Infinity Institute (11)] has posed.
The wards, then... Tama inclines her head, her ears flattening in concern as her tail continues to swish. "Mm..."
She looks over Shiori. "I see. You are well for now, but that won't work indefinitely. ..And even if it did, you'll soon be on their radar again."
Tama frowns in concern. "...I see. She is young, and Kenji is in danger. It's difficult to reassure her. It is a dangerous life we choose for her, after all."
"...Mm. Well, we cannot force her. But I confess, Yumi needs the help. They have summoned forth minions as powerful as the Sulfuric Ogre."
"We will have to buy her time, and, if she does not take up the Staff, find a new way to protect it. We can't have Yumi restore the wards, though. Her magic is too known to them."
<Pose Tracker> Raiko Takashima [Infinity Institute (9)] has posed.
Not just the staff, but all of Kenji's research and notes are at risk, as well. Everything Kenji based his work off of. Shiori may not understand much of it, but she does understand its importance.
'... you'll soon be on their radar again.' "Don't you think I know that?" snaps Shiori. Her eyes widen and she instantly shrinks back, bowing in apology. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't snap at you. I'll be fine. I always managed before." Of course, she's out of practice, and now... there's more at stake than just her, but she leaves those thoughts unspoken.
"We could have done more to prepare her. Kenji and I have tried so hard to help her fix her academics, to boost her confidence... She's so capable, I just wish we could make her see it."
Shiori's head rises sharply in alarm as Tama mentions the Sulfuric Ogre. "Oh dear... That is... most unfortunate." She frowns a little, contemplating. "Unfortunate timing, as well, to have a second Inheritor so close at hand yet so unwilling..."
When Tama mentions finding a new way to protect the staff, there is a single instant where she perks up, gets ready to speak--and then that faint hope crashes as Tama continues and says Yumi can't do it. That would have been too easy, one supposes.
"There are... very few with the knowledge, skill, and power required to restore the wards. I'm convinced Raiko could manage, if she were willing to take up the staff. With some assistance, of course."
Shiori looks to the river. "Speaking of Yumi... it seems they have made each other's acquaintences." She's sure Tama already knows this, but maybe this can help in some way.
<Pose Tracker> Yumi Ohzora [Infinity Institute (11)] has posed.
If Tama had an eyebrow, it would lift. As it stands, her tail abrubtly stops moving--until Shiori apologizes. "They are more active than ever before," Tama says, not entirely ungently. "Do not be so quick to try to do it all yourself."
But then, "I see... Yes. It is a tumultuous time for a girl, even without the things that have guided her life." She pauses, then, and inclines her head as to it being unfortunate. "If you are so sure she is ready, then I believe you. We need only find a way to make her realize it. ...If she chooses not to accept her destiny, that I can accept--but not if she chooses so simply out of fear. It is that very fear that--"
Tama pauses, and shakes her head. "..You do not need an old cat's mumblings. You say they have met? Yes, Yumi mentioned that today. ...I'm not sure how well I approve of her prioritizing the care of others just after she's recovering, but I will not tell her to be unkind if I can help it."
<Pose Tracker> Raiko Takashima [Infinity Institute (9)] has posed.
Shiori does look appropriately chagrined for speaking to Tama in such a way. "I'll bear that in mind," she says, humbly, when Tama mentions their foes have been more active. "And if I am being honest, having Kenji's assistance has been a great boon these many years. It will be... difficult, to return to my old ways, regardless."
"I believe she can do the deed... and what's more, the staff clearly does as well, regardless of what either of us think." The younger familiar shifts so that she is at the edge of the roof, staring over the river into the distance where (hopefully, if she's done as Shiori asked) Raiko presumably is. "She just needs to... to get over this mental block that's built up within her."
She turns to give Tama a quizzical look as she abruptly cuts herself off, but knows better than to press the elder cat for answers she doesn't want to give, and turns her gaze back to the river.
Her eyes widen in alarm. "Recovering? Did she have another relapse? How bad was it?" She looks thoughtful at the mention of Yumi's kindness. "Hmmm..."
"Maybe..." she says slowly, truly uncertain as to how Tama will react to the idea. "... that kindness is what we need to reach Raiko?"
<Pose Tracker> Yumi Ohzora [Infinity Institute (11)] has posed.
"Yes... I am hopeful that we can assist him, as he has assisted us. Yumi has indicated me her intention to find him. ...I haven't encouraged her yet. Or explained how he intersects with our duties."
The Staff... "True. The Staff's word is final." Tama moves from her own position to take a seat next to Shiori on the roof, likewise looking out over the distance.
"...She was in the hospital again for a few days. I found her collapsed in the halls at the dormitories. It was... distressing, for her."
Tama looks thoughtfully at Raiko, her ears more normal, her tail moving more slowly, calmer. "...Perhaps so," she says. "It is too late to keep them apart in any case. ...We shall have to recruit Yumi, then. She can help Raiko to make her decision."
<Pose Tracker> Raiko Takashima [Infinity Institute (9)] has posed.
Shiori nods very firmly in agreement with regards to helping Kenji. She put every effort she could when she took her brief soujourn to locate him.
More than just an ally, she considers Kenji a friend.
"Yes, we must find him." Though she considers Yumi's proclmation that she would help find him. "... I gathered that Raiko mentioned her grandfather's disappearance. I..."
Shiori frowns. "I want to say she would not disclose what she has learned to Yumi, but given how distraught she is... I cannot say for certain she would not do so, intentionally or otherwise."
"Oh dear, how awful... and a summoning of a Sulfuric Ogre, on top of all that... More unfortunate timing. I'm sorry I was not here to render what assistance I could." Which, realistically, probably isn't much.
And it's not like she wasn't working hard at something important regardless.
"Raiko has... isolated herself, rather unintentionally, from those her own age. If Yumi could speak to her, I'm certain it could have an enormous impact... Even if she decides not to take up the staff, having someone to speak to about her concerns will still be beneficial."
<Pose Tracker> Yumi Ohzora [Infinity Institute (11)] has posed.
Tama is not so close to him, but she does not believe in rewarding friendship with abandonment, or loyalty with none.
"Yes, though as you say, Yumi does not know all of what it entails. She only knows that a man of the Magic Association is missing."
She's not going to blame a troubled girl for spilling a secret she doesn't know. Tama is severe, but not cruel.
"I appreciate that, but your search was also vital. Luckily, this time, she had valuable friends who were able to assist her. I am loath to rely on those uninitiated into our secrets... but we would be fools not to accept their aid when they are so interested in Yumi's well-being." She considers. Isolation...
"Hmmm... If Yumi could become her friend, then Yumi's friends might be able to offer her help, as well. Regardless, I agree. We should help Raiko, whether she joins us or not."
"I will tell Yumi what she must know."
<Pose Tracker> Raiko Takashima [Infinity Institute (9)] has posed.
'A man of the Magic Association.' "Akinori Ayase--an associate of Kenji's--has reassured Raiko that they are also putting every effort into locating him. He did not tell many details to Raiko, but I will try to arrange a meeting with him, to see if I can find out more. Kenji's work is not widely known, but they are still invested in finding one of their own."
Shiori nods as Tama confirms her search was vital. She knew that, of course, but it's hard not to feel guilty when there are so many things that demands one's attention. She lets out a sigh of relief when Tama mentions that many of Yumi's friends came to Yumi's aid. "That is certainly a relief." She's thoughtful for a moment. "... There are so many of them nowadays, aren't there? It is rather remarkable what they can accomplish together."
So many friends of Yumi? No, that's not quite what she meant, which was spoken in the tone of those who have seen a different era of things.
Though Shiori is well aware that Tama has many more eras to her name, but... it's not like she can't lay claim to some of that ancient mystique herself.
She nods. "Yes, whether she joins their number fully or not, it will do her good to have those closer to her own age to associate with."
Another nod, as Tama says she will inform Yumi. "Do you want me to come with you? If she does not stay at home as I asked her to, I believe I'll know where to find her after school lets out."
<Pose Tracker> Yumi Ohzora [Infinity Institute (11)] has posed.
Tama is not one to overuse guilt. Especially ot in a case like this. "...Yes," Tama agrees, a slow blink of her eyes her response. "It is quite remarkable."
She won't tell Shiori not to claim a bit of mystery. A little mystery is good for all of them, after all. It's important to maintain. For familiars, or maybe just for cats.
"Yes," Tama agrees. "And... yes. It's time."