Mai Tokiha
Mai Tokiha | |
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IC Information | |
Full Name: | Mai Tokiha |
Aliases: | Mai-HiME |
Gender: | Female |
Age/Birthdate: | 16 (July 22nd, 1997) |
Height: | 5'2" / 157 cm |
Hair Colour: | Orange |
Eye Colour: | Purple |
Astrological Sign: | Cancer |
Blood Type: | O |
Favorite Food: | Coffee |
Least Favorite Food: | |
Favorite Subject: | Home Economics, Mathematics |
Least Favorite Subject: | History |
Dossier | |
Organization: | Too busy! |
Position: | High School Student |
School: | School: Ohtori Academy (10) |
OOC Information | |
Source: | Mai-HiME (FC) |
Player: | Gullwhacker |
Mai Tokiha is a high school student, caretaker of her sickly brother, and a waitress at Linden Baum. She's also a HiME, wielder of a fiery Element and keeper of the mighty Kagutsuchi. She tries to keep herself out of the myriad problems that plague Tokyo, but events conspire to draw her deeper in.
"If you mean I'll have to risk my life, I'd be glad to."
Mai has, since the death of her mother, been taking care of her brother Takumi. To get the funds necessary for his life-saving operation, she works as many part-time jobs as she can. As a consequence of all her hard work, her social life has been left sorely lacking. Outings with friends, hobbies, romance - all of these have been put aside for the sake of her duty. While she does her best to avoid getting entangled in other peoples' problems, she has a strong sense of responsibility and refuses to let someone be hurt by her inaction. Peril is not an obstacle - while her brother's health is paramount, Mai doesn't make her own well-being a priority. If her life or happiness needs to be sacrificed for that of Takumi or a close friend, so be it.
Mai can be passionate. If she cares about someone - such as her brother, or anyone she considers under her protection, she tries to be cheerful and helpful, trying almost to act like a surrogate mother. Generally, she'll be polite to people as a rule - unless someone has done something to cross her. Then, the sassing can come out - if she's in a position to get away with it, she can get snarky and abrasive. Usually used to drive people away, sometimes used to tease a friend.
In battle, she's never fully comfortable - but she puts those thoughts aside if there's someone who needs her protection. Generally she's at least a little uncertain, but quick to anger. If pushed into a corner, she can go momentarily berserk - Kagutsuchi's wielder can channel a portion of his wrath, and those moments can be fearsome indeed.
Mai has the endurance to put up with long shifts, a sharp enough mind to keep track of medical appointments and customer orders, and a knack for cooking. She also has a passion for karaoke, though how much skill she actually has is up for debate. She also has some training in emergency first aid by necessity.
Magically, her Element allows her to primarily create fiery barriers to ward off assault. When fully manifested, she can also use her golden rings to fly, and to hurl fire around as necessary - entrapping the enemy in a cage of fire, smashing them with a pillar of flame, or using smaller blazing whips for precision work. She's worked to find less destructive uses for her fire, using them to embolden her allies without burning them, or simply using it to cook on.
And then there's Kagutsuchi. She can summon a large fiery dragon. It tends to burn things.
Takumi Tokiha: Mai's precious younger brother. The focus of her present life - it was for his sake that Kagutsuchi was unsealed, and taking care of him was the main reason Mai learned to cook. Whether in the kitchen, at work, at the hospital, or fighting a monster, she can never forget his role in her life. He's her precious younger brother, the one she has to take care of.
Mikoto Minagi: A stray cat who lives in Mai's apartment. ...just kidding. While they started as a wildcat and its caretaker, Mikoto's become a precious friend to Mai. Both of them share the same kind of absolute devotion to a sibling, and both are similar in how they view themselves. Mai's constant companion, and someone who can actually make her feel like a good person. It's hard for Mai to hear constant praise for her cooking and not feel a little pride.
Midori Sugiura: A former coworker at Linden Baum, Midori is now the teacher for Mai's least favorite subject. She's also a fellow HiME, and eagerly encouraging her to go out and take up the mantle of a Warrior Of Justice! ...Mai knows Midori isn't a bad person, but she feels awkward around her, and does have a tendency to avoid her a bit.
Natsuki Kuga: Another HiME, one who has been involved in a few of Mai's early misadventures. She's cold, ominous, and at least a little scary. Not someone she's talked with much at this point.
Akane Higurashi: Mai's main coworker at Linden Baum. Who's probably just a normal girl. She and the cook there, Kazu, seem rather lovey-dovey. It's cute.
Nagi: This kid knows about the HiME but does more mocking than advising. Worst. Mascot. Ever.
Kinzo Hiroyuki: A former member of the Apothecary, who helped Mai out when they attacked the Linden Baum diner. Mai found him a little sketchy - due to his waiting in the alley behind the restaurant to try to meet up with her - but he seems to be on the side of the heroes. He's not a bad guy, and is honestly trying to help. He's just not someone Mai's inclined to seek out - he has his own struggles, and shouldn't have to worry about her.
Runealy Waldia: The Princess of Waldia first met Mai when warning her about the movements of the Apothecary. She helped out keeping an eye on Takumi in class, which has led to a growing friendship. Mai is impressed by the princess for her tactical knowledge and general leadership qualities - including a mind sharp enough to twig to some of Mai's deeper-rooted issues. She also has sympathy for the girl, who recently lost her mother. Recently, Mai was offered a position as a 'royal chef', at higher pay than she makes as a waitress. It would be easier and more enjoyable work, but Mai's uncertain - she doesn't want to impose on a friend's generosity. She also gave Mai a few keychains from Hokkaido, because she couldn't award a medal.
Eri Shimanouchi: A girl who struck up a conversation with Mai while the older girl was working. They had a few casual conversations before mutually learning of the other's magical abilities; since then, they've become friends. Friends, and conspirators to commit acts of good cuisine when faced with junk food. Eri is very encouraging to Mai, but heart-to-hearts have led to each knowing the other's deeper issues. Eri's situation scares Mai - it's an emotional disaster that has Mai sympathetic, slightly jealous, and horrified. Generally, Mai sees the girl as like a little sister - complete with meddling in Mai's love life - and she's someone the HiME wants to protect as much as she can. Takumi takes priority, and Mikoto is her responsibility, but after that....
Mamoru Chiba: Tuxedo Mask is an incredibly gorgeous goofball. While Mai had seen him during some of the battles, she only got the chance to talk to him when he was lurking in an alleyway on New Year's. He's socially awkward, but friendly and well-meaning - and Mai can't help but tease him any chance he gets. (The dork probably deserves it.) Mai knows about his mountain-sized crush on (and duty to) Sailor Moon, and uses that and her lack of free time as an excuse to bury any romantic feelings she might have for him. It's better to be friends, and Mai is just trying to encourage him to be responsible and less of a clueless dork. A neverending struggle.
Usagi Tsukino: Nice girl. Friend of Mamoru's, maybe something more? She's cheerful, appreciative of good food, can have manners rivaling Mikoto's, and basically the whole picture has Mai joking about her being a 'wild bunny'. Try not to tease her -too- much, though. (Also, she might know about Kagutsuchi.)
Sailor Moon: The one, the only, the sailor-suited soldier of love and justice. Mai's fought alongside Sailor Moon a few times, and her reaction can best be summed up as 'impressed'. Elegant and graceful, not just fighting monsters but healing what has been hurt...she's what a heroine should be. Mamoru's crush makes total sense. (Also, she likes Mai's dragon.)
Utena Tenjou: An underclassman, and a friend of Eri's. Mai first met her at the Secret Hokkaido Hotpot, and thought she seemed nice. Then came the events of New Year's Eve, during which Mai passed out and was rescued by a dashing, pink-haired prince. Mai blurted out something then frantically tried to take it back, and she's likely to have an awkward blush the next time she encounters The Engaged.
Anthy Himemiya: A friend/roommate of Utena's? Mai's first impressions were 'timid, and a little bit weird' - though honestly, hiding behind Utena from a rampaging Mikoto is more 'good sense' than 'timid'. Treating the...Chuchu as a friend instead of a pet is a bit more of an odd quirk. Really, Mai doesn't really know what to make of her, other than that she's very polite and forgiving.
Shiori Takatsuki: A quiet girl who Mai met by literally colliding with her - she seems a bit sickly at times, and Mai's protective instincts kicked in almost by default. They got along well enough, and planned to talk more - and then, when a Cardiax was wearing Takumi's face, Shiori transformed to help. Whatever else, Mai is grateful to Shiori for her intervention there, and helping save Mai from emotional distress.
Juri Arisugawa: A classmate of Mai's, mostly known by reputation. Might have been friends with Shiori, once, and Mai's wondering if she should gather up her courage and just ask...
La Sirene Du Nord: Mai doesn't know a great deal about her, other than three things. She helped defeat the Cardiax that was pretending to be Takumi. She has an otter companion. And she kissed Tuxedo Mask. This last has Mai feeling a little sorry for her, actually...
Lucy Iwai: Doesn't that outfit get cold? And how do people not notice the pet dinosaur?....actually people ignore weirder, skip that last part.
Akane Hino: One of the Precure, who teamed up with Mai and Kagutsuchi during the Dark Hour. Fire-flingers should stick together, right? Mai's only spoken to her a couple of times, but tried offering advice on dealing with a friend who insisted on doing all the work and not worrying anyone...
Yayoi Kise: Another of the Precure. Wants to be a hero. Nearly attacked Takumi by mistake. Seems to be a good person overall, and Mai offered forgiveness when she came to apologize. Reportedly something like Mai herself in how much work she takes on. Also seems to be good friends with Akane Hino, her fellow Cure.
Takeo Akamizu: One of Mai's classmates. She doesn't know him well, even though she's fought alongside Lancelot several times. Eri recommends him highly, but Mai's interactions so far have been less positive. Quick tip: Girls don't like to be told they smell delicious, even if they have been cooking bacon all day.
Kanako Watanabe: One of Mai's classmates. Mai struck up a conversation about risk-taking boys with her during Hokkaido, discovered her classmate is married, and has since heard rumors about kissing through glass. What the heck?
The Apothecary: A group of villains that have attacked Mai before, seeking a 'Pure Maiden'. This sounds creepy. They also steal peoples' memories, and made Runealy forget her own mother once. This is unforgivable.
The Dream Maiden: A mysterious being that helped the God Among Men make his bid for power. Mai was struck by the Maiden's unfettered pride, and was horrified at what this revealed to her. She hasn't entirely forgiven this entity for its part in those events, and was ready to threaten it with Kagutsuchi - but at the same time, she understands at least part of why it did what it did. If they ever meet again, for Mai it will be too soon; while she'll let the past remain in the past, she won't be fully trusting.
Trio the Minor: A trio of singing demons. Fear and hate - their song caused Mai to relive, again, the worst day of her life. A terrifying power, and one that drove her to the point of screaming out Kagutsuchi's wrath. She hates them less for what they did and more what they had her reveal.