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Latest revision as of 23:08, 25 January 2018

Title: Kasagami Campaign Speech

Kasagami Araki gives her campaign speech for the Ohtori Student Council President race. Made with the help of Rinji and Anthy players <3!


Anthy Himemiya, Kasagami Araki, Rinji Sakurai


Ohtori Academy

OOC - IC Date:

1/25/18 - 3/22/13

It's a bright morning at Ohtori Academy. The sun casts it's gaze down upon the walkway leading up to the Academy itself. A sea of students is blocked, however, by a podium that's been set up. Many in the back of the crowd, latecomers, struggle to see over taller students. They don't, however, need to train their ears to hear.

Up on the podium, leaning on it almost casually with one elbow, Kasagami Araki's hair and coat flutters in the gentle breeze. There's no cues, no cards, she's working on half prepared speech and half winging it. Beside her is the Rose Bride, like some sort of ornament to the young woman's speech. To the other side, one Rinji Sakurai. A side wink to the latter, and then she addresses the crown with an easy grin that seems to draw in the eye with an aura of success that even she hadn't had before her recent 'windfall'.

Rinji Sakurai is a face less known than that of Kasagami, but there are more than a few that might recognize the quiet woman from classes, or from her attendance of the Garden and Music Clubs that Ohtori is known for. She stands with hands calmly clasped in front of her, beside and standing just behind the Disciplinary Executive at the Podium. Her hazel gaze catches the wink from Kasagami, and offers her a brief but warm smile before focusing back on the crowd. Calm stillness is practically radiated from her as she waits patiently for the woman at her side to speak.

Kasagami's gaze and smile scans the crowd, the intense look as intimate as a lover or as hungry as a wolf depending on who receives it. She's not looking at a crowd, her gaze, but seemingly looking at each student as if she was addressing them and them alone.

A school functionary starts to speak, until Kasagami waves them off. "Good morning, my wonderful students of Ohtori! For those of you who've been hiding under a rock this past year, I am your wonderful Disciplinary Executive, Kasagami Araki!" A few eye rolls in the crowd, but they're most often done with a smile.

It is when Kasagami starts to speak that Rinjis purpose at the podium becomes clear. Her body springs into motion as her hands go out and she begins to move. Those familiar with sign language would realize that she is translating what is being spoken. The Disciplinary Executive was always known for wanting to be inclusive of others!

"My mother had a saying. The purpose of a swordmaster having students isn't to preserve the school's name. It is instead to take the skills and history that the name represents, everything that has come before into a new generation. Not simply to copy. But to innovate, improve, and surpass, leaving that name stronger than ever before!" Her voice is passionate, lower than usual, her words full of faith and true belief in what she's saying. One hand, hidden by the podium, clenches for a moment.

Sign language is a peculiar thing.Speech patterns and emotions become translated into facial expressions, the gestures themselves, and in turn Rinjis very demeanor. Kasagamis passion is shadowed in Rinjis demeanor, the Muse vigorously gesturing out the translated words.

While the fire of Kasagami's speech echoes across the crowd and the fury has its mirrored expression through Rinji's arms and hands, Anthy Himemiya might as well be a statue of a student instead of a girl. Neither motive nor emotive, she stands with her hands folded upon neat skirt pleats and a faint smile fastened upon her face. She makes a pretty, composed presence at the elbow of the Presidential candidate. None are positioned to see the rivulet of sweat that runs down the back of her neck and darkens her uniform collar.

"And I believe this holds true for anything with history. From the many, many famous families that have and are learning here. To the family names just now gaining their prominence. And even to Ohtori Academy itself! Each and every one of us has a responsibility to bring pride to our family names and Ohtori, to honor our own histories and surpass what has come before us!"

"That is what Ohtori means to me. Skill, learning, tradition, and ambition! We are an elite few, and it's up to us to prove we are elite. But right now, there is an enemy to furthering Ohtori Academy's aims!" Her voice grows louder, until finally, she goes silent. A deep pause, letting anticipation grow. A hush falls over the crowd.

"Stagnation! Resting on one's laurels! For too long, a single man has led this Academy's illustrious Student Council! Touga Kiryuu is an embodiment of the noble name that simply continues, and refuses to innovate or surpass! My fellow students, my friends, how can we let such a man be President? I say no more!" Kasagami stands fully, and puts her hand to her heart, eye full of fury and ambition.

It takes this proclamation of Ohtori's enemy to pull Anthy's eyes from their somewhat glassy stare above the sea of lack-of-faces. She watches Kasagami declare a war on stagnation as the cornerstone of her campaign, otherwise remaining very much the same as she has been this whole time. Then she returns that persistently vague smile to the teeming listeners once more.

Sweat beads on Rinjis brow as the full fire of Kasagamis ambition and pride are showcased, the Muse trying valiantly to keep up and give the true meaning and intent behind the words with every line of her body and firm, confident motion of her signing.

"As Student Council President, I will do everything in my power to promote competition, learning, and honoring of the legacy of Ohtori. There will be no room for the stagnant, those without ambitions or drive! I'm going to give you the resources and power you need to truly rise up, to better yourselves and master your own destiny! I ask but two things from all of you in return!"

The Disciplinary Executive grins, and opens her arms as if to embrace the crowd. The sun shines around her, casting her in light like some sort of angel or saviour.

"Your vote, and a promise that every single one of you will push yourselves to the absolute limit! Together, we can make the spirit and grandeur of Ohtori burn even into the darkest of nights!"

Right on cue, a fancy Ohtori biplane zooms by, trailing decorative smoke and with a large banner. 'Kasagami For President'. Rose petals and campaign fliers fall from the sky, and a cheer goes up in the crowd. Faceless Kasagami imitators lead the cry the loudest.

Kasagami looks like a conquering warrior-King taking her throne.

Volume is showcased by near anger in Rinjis movements, speed and power to the signing that is almost never seen from her as she gets behind the President-to-be’s message with a heartfelt sincerity fueled by her confidence in Kasagamis words. When the speaking stops, so does she as her hands slowly move to knit back in front of herself. Her shoulders rise and fall with the quick pants of air she brings in through barely parted lips, trying to catch her proverbial breath after the boisterous speech. Pride shines in her hazel eyes as she looks out over the crowd… Clearly, she knows where her vote is going.