Other Commands

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The following commands are useful for finding -- and showing -- various information about characters and casts on Battle Fantasia MUSH.


Battle Fantasia MUSH uses email communication for requests to the staff. Please send your requests to battlefantasiastaff@gmail.com. Thank you!


A basic profile describing a character; filling out these fields happens during a character's initial application process, and updating them is as simple as requesting that the staff implement an update. +finger information is generally a good place to put commonplace IC knowledge about a character's normal life, as well as the same for their supernatural persona; +finger information, of course, is never ICly revealing the intersection of the two, unless it specifically states otherwise.

The valid +finger fields are Name, AKA (as in, Name: Usagi Tsukino, AKA: Sailor Moon, Princess Serenity), School (listed as School (Grade), as in Ohtori (8)), Clubs, Quote (a regular phrase or defining quote of the character's), Organization, Source (the theme they're from), Rank (specifically, Master Rank) and Info (a paragraph describing the essence of the character).

+finger <target> or +profile <target>: Displays a target's profile.


A space to provide any out-of-character, or OOC, information about yourself that you want to share. In all of these commands, +oocfinger and +oocprofile are synonymous.

+oocfinger <target>: Displays the OOC profile of <target>.

+oocfinger: Displays a character's own OOC profile.

+oocfinger/set <field>=<entry>: Sets a character's +oocfinger <field> to <entry>. Suggested basic fields include Alts, Contact Information, and Timezone, but anything goes, within the bounds of tastefulness!

+oocfinger/wipe <field>: Removes an +oocfinger field from oneself.


+grade/set <class>=<grade>: Sets your grade in a given class.

+grades <target>: Displays the grades of your target.

+grades: Displays your own grades.

+grades/list <school>/<year>=<class>: Displays all grades of a given school's year for a given class. Valid fields are K-12; university students are too cool to care about their grades.

+grade/addclass <target>=Class1 or Class1|Class2: Allows admin to add one or two (but no more) classes to your schedule. Should not be used lightly; electives are not a part of the Japanese school system, and most people should just have the usual curriculum. However, Infinity Institute in particular has many varied courses of study, and thus some students should always be in Dance, or Fine Arts, and so forth; a Foreign Language (other than English) is the other place that courses of study more generally diverge. If you need an elective, submit a +request.


In honor of the manga sidebars describing a character's 'vital statistics' from the 1990s:

+vitals <target>: Displays the vital statistics of <target>.

+vitals: Displays a character's own vital statistics.

+vitals/set <field>=<entry>: Sets a character's +vitals <field> to <entry>. Suggested basic fields include Astrological Sign, Blood Type, Favorite Food, Least Favorite Food, Favorite Subject, and Least Favorite Subject, but anything goes, within the bounds of tastefulness!

+vitals/wipe <field>: Removes a +vitals field from a character.


If you want to share music you associate with your character -- or that your character might associate with a relationship they have with another character -- this is the place!

+soundtrack <target>: Displays the soundtrack of <target>.

+soundtrack: Displays a character's own soundtrack.

+soundtrack/add <track>=<artist>: Adds a track to the soundtrack in the form 'Track - Artist'.

+soundtrack/wipe <track>: Removes a +soundtrack track from a character.

You can also display and view appropriate soundtracks in poses! To be able to see when people set them, &pot_soundtrack me=1

+soundtrack/current <soundtrack>: Sets a soundtrack for your next pose; will clear after the pose, the design being to not reset it until the song changes. Can be a song/artist title, or a link to the song.


These commands display the availability of Feature Characters, as well as names and facts about OCs and FCs involved in a given theme.

+cast: Displays the master list of all currently integrated theme sources.

+cast <Source>: Displays the cast list of a theme source, with the characters' names, aliases, factions and availability for application. +cast/info <Source>: Displays the [[Theme Primer]] of a given theme.


These commands list the classes (eg, students of the same grade) within a given school on Battle Fantasia. Students of the same grade are assumed to be in the same IC class (unless there's a strong reason to feel otherwise), on the principle that that way we may actually have enough characters in a given class for classmate camaraderie.

+classes: Displays the master list of all Sister Schools.

+classes <school>: Displays the classes within a given school.


These commands list the clubs within a given school on Battle Fantasia. Clubs of separate school level (elementary, middle, high) are considered technically separate but functionally work together, to encourage roleplay.

+clubs: Displays the master list of all Sister Schools.

+clubs <school>: Displays the club membership within a given school.


These commands list the members within a given organization on Battle Fantasia, as well as their essential positions within that organization.

+orgs or +organizations: Displays the master list of all Organizations.

+orgs or +organizations <organization>: Displays the characters within a given Organization.


+sparkle and +vote are interchangeable commands. Sparkles are expected to be given freely and easily, so don't worry about hoarding them; there's no limit on how many you can give, total, only a limit on how many people can receive. That being said, sparkles are for roleplay; throwing sparkles around for no reason is against the rules.

+sparkle <name>: Expresses your appreciation for a roleplay to <name> by sparkling them. You may only sparkle someone once a week. You may not sparkle yourself.

+sparkles: Lists who has sparkled you this week.

+sparkles <name>: Lists who has sparkled <name> this week.

+sparkled: Lists who you have sparkled this week.

+sparkled <name>: Lists who <name> has sparkled this week.

+sparkle/room: Sparkles everyone in the room!


+cp (Character Points) and +xp (eXperience Points) are interchangeable commands that help players manage their CP, earned each week (on Sundays) by having received up to two sparkles (the benefit of more than two sparkles a week is the splendid roleplay that led to sparkling in the first place). These commands are not locked; CP is OOCly transparent. Using this information in any sort of in-character way is against the rules.

+cp <name>: Displays <name>'s total character points, starting character points, total CP earned and total votes/sparkles received.

+cp: Displays your own total character points, starting character points, total CP earned and total votes/sparkles received.


Cream Puffs are awards given to people who run scenes for others, particularly when they don't involve their own character.

+puffs: Displays Cream Puff rewards. As you gain rewards{,} you gain information!

+puffs <player>: Displays the number of Cream Puffs a player has earned.

+puff/info <Puff Number>: Displays information about a specific Cream Puff reward. You can only view the info of puffs that you've earned.

+puff/load <Henshin Number>=<Puff Number>: Loads a Cream Puff reward to a given henshin form. Only usable in Base Mode.

+puff/name <Puff Number>=<Attack Name>: Alters a Cream Puff attack's name. Only usable in Base Mode.

+puff/type <Puff Number>=<Attack Type>: Alters a Cream Puff attack's Type. Only usable in Base Mode.

+puff/range <Puff Number>=<Attack Range>: Alters a Cream Puff attack's Range. Only usable in Base Mode.

For more information, please see: Tutorials, Advancement