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The flow of battle on Battle Fantasia involves tactical interplay between combatants trying to reduce one of their opponent’s three resource bars to the negative extreme. At Fatigue 0, Mana 0, or Morale -100, a combatant is unable to continue fighting. Bars are reduced (or increased) by the use of attacks by all parties. Combatants react to incoming attacks by using the reaction commands: +dodge, +brace, +counter, and +accept. Consecutive uses of successful reaction commands incur a stacking Reaction Penalty, making it generally worthwhile to regularly change up one’s reactions. +cover can be used to try to take an attack for someone else, though at the price of heavily reduced defenses.

Because of the element of Finisher-tier Attacks, battle typically involves trying to reduce one’s opponent’s Fatigue to as low a value as possible such that a Finishing Attack will most likely finish them off, while moving one’s Morale past one’s Finishing Attack Morale Threshhold and maintaining enough Mana to actually be able to use the Finishing Attack at all. There are innumerable tactics to achieve these goals (and deny them to one’s opponents), expressed both at chargen in the construction of stats and abilities and attacks to support a given character’s fighting style, and within battle as various opponents and scenarios arise.

Battles typically begin, before any other actions are taken, with all sides transforming into their primary Henshin Form; that is usually the only transformation in a battle, but this is not always the case.

For more information, please see: Fatigue, Mana, Morale, BEAMWAR, Knockouts, Transformations, Items In Combat, Combat System


Reactions - Dodge, Brace, Counter, Accept and Cover; options for reacting to an incoming attack.

Battle Commands - A guide to the actual commands used on the MUSH to play the combat system game.