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Suzi Kato
IC Information
Full Name: Suzi Kato
Aliases: Lady of Lulafein
Gender: Female
Age/Birthdate: 9 (April 17, 2004)
Height: 4'3"
Hair Colour: Light-brown
Eye Colour: Green
Astrological Sign: Aries
Blood Type: O
Favorite Food: Fruit (especially oranges)
Least Favorite Food: Pot pies
Favorite Subject: Science
Least Favorite Subject: Math
Organization: Unaffiliated
Position: Princess of Lulafein
School: Juuban Public School (Grade 3)
OOC Information
Source: Suzi-chan: Ten Seeds of Lulafein (OC)
Player: Kayube


"From seed, to bud, to full bloom! Fa luley maloti fala!"


Suzi Kato once thought she was a normal little girl- adopted as a baby into a loving family in Tokyo, with parents who own a flower shop and a younger brother who's smart for his age. She had a love of nature and flowers that exceeded even her parents', a vivid imagination that was always making up new worlds, and always tried to be friendly to others. Then one day, she found a necklace in the flowerbed outside her home- a magical necklace that told her of her true origin as the princess of a magical world called Lulafein, a land filled with beautiful flowers, where children grew from seeds. She was sent through a tiny portal to Earth to search for the critical seeds that had been pulled through before her- ten seeds that would grow into the flowers whose power kept the kingdom prosperous. If she could find the seeds and make the flowers bloom, she could use their energy to open a larger portal back to Lulafein, and the people would know she was a worthy heir to the throne. In the meantime, the necklace would be able to draw power from nearby flowers and plants, giving her magic that would let her disguise herself and learn new skills. She began her search enthusiastically, hoping to use her powers to help people along the way- but then she found herself confronting dark forces who sought to corrupt the Lulafein seeds and use their powers for evil. Fortunately, the king and queen of Lulafein sent one more seed to Suzi's side- one that would grow into an ally, the sprite named Lorfae, who would help her gain the strength to fight the darkness.


The magical land of Lulafein runs on the energy and growth of plants and flowers. Children are born from seeds tended by their parents, and their new year begins with the coming of spring. The land's prosperity has been assured by the presence of ten flower species which carry greater magical power than all others, and Lulafein's Royal Family has kept the flowers and their seeds safe for generations, as the royal family are the only ones who can make the flowers bloom. Then, on the day on which the Ten Seeds of Lulafein were due to be planted once more in anticipation of a new generation, a tiny portal opened up in the seeds' vault, pulling them through to another world, Earth, where they were scattered to the winds. The portal was too small for anyone to get through- but all was not lost. There was one last hope- though it would be risky, there was no other way to retrieve the seeds than to send the Royal Family's newest seed, their not-yet-born princess, through the portal- only she could both fit through the hole as a seed and, someday, when she was grown, gather the ten flowers together to open the way back to Lulafein. Along with it they sent another seed- one that would only bloom when the princess was ready to take up her role.

The princess' seed landed in a garden belonging to Jiro and Etsuko Kato of Tokyo, who had a family-owned flower shop. Soon, the seed sprouted, and the Katos were stunned to find a baby girl lying in their garden. They agreed to adopt her, and noting her very-much-not-Japanese appearance, they gave her a Western-sounding name- Suzi. They raised her as their own flesh-and-blood daughter, gradually forgetting the strange circumstances of her entry into their lives and assuming they must have adopted her from overseas. This is what Suzi grew up believing, and she began her life as a normal girl, growing up alongside her younger brother Eiji, who was born a year after her. She began attending the Juuban Public School as a kindergartner, quickly making some close friends who would stick with her for many years. She did well in school, had fun in her spare time, and even occasionally did what she could to help out her parents with their work. While she was somewhat more cognizant of her physical differences than others, and often worried (mostly unnecessarily) about fitting in, nothing truly strange happened to her until her seventh birthday. On that day, the day she reached the age of reason, she was playing outside, when she saw that a new flower appeared in the garden just where she'd landed as a seed. Around the stem of the flower was a necklace, with a charm in the form of that same flower. When Suzi picked it up, the necklace spoke to her mind, with a message left by the king, informing her of her royal heritage and her duty to find the ten seeds of Lulafein. The necklace advised her that, along with requiring similar care to normal flowers, the seeds would grow when Suzi had proven herself to be worthy as the future queen of Lulafein. At first, even though she'd often dreamed of fantastic worlds and adventures, she was unwilling to do it. But the necklace added that it would give her magical powers that would help her in her search, including powers of disguise and the ability to learn new skills to go with her different outfits. The necklace would even allow her to turn a rose into a flying broomstick, letting her go out to search and be back in time for dinner. Thus, Suzi agreed to take on her royal destiny, and for two years the search was peaceful. She'd split her time between her normal life and her search for the seeds, traveling occasionally quite far in her journey, trying to use her powers to help others as she went.

However, after finding three of the seeds and still having no luck in making them grow (it seemed she was still too unsure of herself and lacked security in her identity), matters became much more urgent for Suzi. Beings from a realm of rot and decay known as Nilasein, whose magic was fueled by death and darkness, broke through to Lulafein, seeking to corrupt the seeds and turn their power against the people of Lulafein. Realizing that the seeds were gone, they left- but the king and queen knew that Suzi was in danger. The Nilasein monsters could already travel to Lulafein- it was only a matter of time before they found Earth. Though Suzi was still a child, the king and queen realized that they needed to give her power to fight, not just help those in need. With the strength of the ten flowers on the wane, they could still send one more seed through the portal, one that would land in the same garden once more- this one grew to become a sprite named Lorfae, who only Suzi (and other magically-inclined people) could see. Lorfae was able to unlock more of the necklace's potential that hadn't been present before. With Lorfae at her side, and with the strong ties she'd formed with the people of Earth, it was possible that even at her age, she could fight back against the Nilasein creatures. There's a lot on her plate- the search for the seeds, trying to grow the three she has, and her normal school life on top of that- and it's starting to be overwhelming, but she's not facing it alone!


To her mundane friends, Suzi seems to be an ordinary, sweet-natured girl who loves nature and flowers of all kinds, and is always first on the scene when someone needs help or to join in a game. Even though she tries her best to help, she doesn't accept rewards or make a big deal about it. She's very loyal to her friends and has known most of them for about as long as she can remember.

This friendliness is mostly Suzi's means of coping with the many inner conflicts of her life- she wants to fit in and be normal, but also wants to make a difference in the world. She has to split her time between the school and play time of an average 9-year-old and her duties as a magical girl. And even as a magical girl, she's still unsure if she wants to fight, or continue using her powers strictly to help people the way she already had. She's torn between her adopted home of Earth and her royal heritage from Lulafein. And with the three seeds she's already collected still refusing to grow, she's starting to have doubts about her ability to accomplish her mission at all.

Still, she's not going to give up. She wants some certainty in her life, and is well aware that, however it turns out, successfully growing the Lulafein flowers will end a lot of the chaos and answer many of her questions about her future. She knows deep down that it has to be done- she just has to find the way. And while she's still not sure if she wants to leave Earth permanently to take up the throne in Lulafein, she would like to at least see its beauty for herself at least once. That dream, the anticipation of a visit to a new world, is one of her major motivators- along with the desire to keep her friends and family safe.

Before Lorfae informed her that fighting would become part of her job description, Suzi saw magic as something fun she could use to help people and even save a world- but now, she's beginning to treat it more seriously as a phenomenal power that she still doesn't really understand- it's even a little scary. Until now, she's been too focused on her own life and problems to realize the existence of other magical girls- knowing she's not alone will probably do a lot to ease her fears. She's tried to keep her abilities secret from her friends and family more because she doesn't want them to treat her differently than because of any danger resulting from it, though Lorfae has also advised her that it would be a good idea to keep it secret regardless of her feelings.

Suzi tries hard in school, but her magical girl duties and her worries about the future have inevitably had a negative impact on her grades, especially in math (which was her weakest subject to begin with). Still, she tends to relax a bit when she's actually in school, as it's a place where she can feel normal, and it offers her some more opportunities to talk with her friends. On the other hand, her teachers can be pretty strict, which doesn't help things.

Outside of school and her magical duties, Suzi enjoys helping in her family's backyard garden, and occasionally playing video games with her little brother (he tends to be better at them than her, mostly because she doesn't usually play the single-player modes). She'll occasionally watch TV, trying to get inspiration from the heroes of magical-girl shows (as well as her brother's preferred tokusatsu series). And she reads books too- mostly about animals.

She doesn't really pay much attention to the mundane world outside of what personally affects her. That's for grownups to sort out, and in any case, there's always the potential that she might not even end up living on Earth by the time she's an adult. So, it's not important to her, especially when compared to her magical life.

Not having yet seen the Nilasein monsters herself, only heard a description of them from Lorfae, they seem to be an immensely scary unknown to Suzi. But again, she knows that if she lets them win, all will be lost, so she can't run away as much as she wants to.


Suzi's adoptive father, Jiro Kato, may look imposing, but he's definitely a softie on the inside. He happens to be the best cook in the family, and Suzi eagerly looks forward to dinners he makes. He's the family member she gets along best with, most of the time. She appreciates his tendency to share work around the house and in the shop equally with Etsuko.

Etsuko, Suzi's mother, is also usually kind and loving, though she tends to be one of those stereotypical education-focused mothers on occasion. She does most of the interaction with Suzi and Eiji's teachers for that reason. While Suzi prefers her father, her school friends tend to get along better with her mother on the occasions when they come over.

Eiji is Suzi's brother, one year her junior. Though he's the biological son of Jiro and Etsuko, nobody in their neighborhood, and certainly not his parents, treats him any better or worse than Suzi for it. He can be rather bratty, likes to pull pranks, and goofs off in school (to Etsuko's eternal frustration) but he's basically a good kid and occasionally sticks up for others against bullies and such. Suzi often gets annoyed by him, but still cares about him a lot and feels like she has to protect him even though he's only a year younger than her.

The sprite Lorfae is the newest addition to Suzi's family, even though only she can see and hear him (as far as she knows, anyway). He serves as a second father figure in some ways, standing in for the king and queen of Lulafein from whom she's separated by space and time. As he arrived with news that greatly shook up Suzi's life, she initially disliked him, particularly as he would always address her as "Your Grace" rather than using her name. However, she is beginning to realize that Lorfae has her best interests in mind, and that she can rely on his wisdom.

Current Status

Five seeds found.